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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Today's Survey Question 12-18-14

Should Parents Be Legally Responsible 

For Children's Serious Crimes?


  1. OK...where do we draw the line? If you have a child that is seriously mentally disabled....do the parents take responsibility for that child when you cannot even get good medical treatment for him/her?

  2. Depends on their age but mostly no; I believe in personal liberty. Age is just a number.

  3. Civilly yes of course, criminally no.

  4. NO!

    Put it in the record. When that "child" comes of age, send them bill for the liability. Simply "cut the string" for their missteps. Maybe Granpa leaves them something to pay their debt but that's it. Own your crimes for life.

  5. It depends. If a parent/guardian is known to be neglectful where social services is involved and other agencies have had to be involved then yes, the parents should be held accountable.
    In other words if they are in the system, and parents/guardians haven't shown any improvement in parenting and child commits a crime, parents should bear some responsibility.

  6. The ones you want to hold responsible are the ones that have already proven to be the most irresponsible of all!

  7. No. I'm single, and don't believe parents should be responsible at all. unless they involved the child in a crime like helping to shoplift, or drugs.

  8. Sounds like its the same whenever you try to make a generalized judgement about human behavior. "It depends....."

  9. No. Let the system lock-up the little bastards and send a clear loud signal that lawless is not allowed, period!


  11. But how can you know for certain that the child is being used or taught to steal??? I had to stop taking a family members child anywhere because she stole all the time. I finally took her back to the store to return an item and then I was badmouthed by her mother. To me, that is teaching a child to steal. All you can do is try with some children because they learn by example apparently.

  12. The ones that can't say yes are the ones that have bad children.

  13. I think under 18 YES!
    If they are out doing crime in the late night hours, they should be held responsible. It shouldn't be the government's responsibility or anyone else's for their bad behavior! If they are out stealing or vandalizing property, they should share in the responsibility and pay the price for their bad parenting.

  14. Cut off the welfare checks and housing and all that when the kids are caught.The mothers and fathers will only take notice when it affects them

  15. YES ABSOLUTELY!!!! When you have a child you are given the RESPONSIBILITY of taking care of the child and raising the child until they become an adult at the age of 18! What they do from birth to the age of 18 should reflect upon the parents as well as the child! If a child commits a serious crime they should be punished by the courts, and so should the parents! If the parents actually paid more attention to the kids like they do their cell phones the world would be a much safer place! The problem is the parents of today do not take the responsibility of being a parent seriously!

  16. NO! Parents are told how to raise their children now days. Let the authorities deal with the mess they made of this generation

  17. @12:18 BS no one has told me how to raise my child! Absolutely NO ONE! I have taught my child MANNERS and RESPECT!!!!! No one dictated to me to teach my child to be a THUG!!!!!

  18. YES absolutely like another comment said,parents who don't give a crap about what their kids do will sit up and pay attention when it affects their pocketbook.Kids have no business runnng the streets at night but look around Salisbury.Cut off their government benefits and you bet your ass they will discipine those kids.


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