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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Muir Boda Running For Yet Another Local Election: May Have Broken A Record For Most Attempts In A Lifetime

Muir W. Boda

LOCATION:Salisbury, Maryland
OFFICE:City Council Candidate
PARTY:Non Partisan
Oct 06, 2015


  1. Poor guy, wanna be politician

  2. He is really a libertarian, he is in favor of reducing government. I wouldn't count him out, it's time to trim ALL the fat and waste.

  3. Don't know him personally but is it possible he just cares and wants to do his part?. History has shown persistence sometimes prevails, and just maybe he could do some good. God knows and we know we could use dedicated people who are willing to serve.

  4. Can he be worse than some of the slime they already have?! I don't think so!!!!!

  5. I would have voted for him over Hall in this last election, he was unopposed and I didn't vote for him. If Muir lived in my district I would have chose him over Hall all day long.

  6. I have met and interviewed the gentlemen before. He is one of the most informed individuals I have ever met on the campaign trail.

  7. I think he'd be great on the BOE, and I would vote for him over Mitchell or Shield on the city council.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Neither Jake Day nor Shanie are in the proposed district 2. In fact, I'm not aware of any "name" that lives in the NEW district 2.

    Boda has a heart for service. He's a good guy. His problem has always been that he gets along with everyone. that's normally an asset in everyday life, but in politics it sadly isn't. If you're a Republican and you see him hanging with Laura Mitchell it makes you wonder... if you are a Democrat and you see him knocking on doors for Anderton it makes you wonder...

    Because of his friendliness, I think he needs to state his policy endorsements in bold.

    I would vote for him.

  10. Beezer, I have to agree.

    Muir is a kind man and I would love to see him succeed and prove himself.

    He wants to serve his community and I'm confident he would do a better job than most people serving right now.

  11. Lets Back Boda Big -- gotta offset Day, Mitchell and Shields.

  12. I really like Muir. He's a down to earth guy and he's informed. I hope something falls his way this time, I really do.

  13. (I really think Seth Mitchell has run more times than Muir)

  14. Muir Boda is backed completely by the Slum Lords. That was his issue in his first campaign, and still is. And it's who he will work for 100 percent if elected. He's just, with their help, trying anything to get in office to further the slum lord agenda in Salisbury.
    Don't let him fool all you people on here.

  15. With the new districts he has a chance.


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