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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Muslim woman sues jail for making her go to a Christian service

A Muslim woman is suing an Ohio jail for forcing her to attend a Christian prayer service while behind bars.

Sakeena Majeed, 24, was locked up in Cuyahoga County Corrections Center for 60 days in April after having an altercation with a police officer in Cleveland.

She claims that corrections officers made her go to the prayer meets every Friday that were held by a baptist minister.

They threatened to put her in solitary confinement if she didn't go, The L.A. Times reported.



  1. Who cares. Just because you are forced to go somewhere doesn't mean you have to participate.
    She's nothing but a useless piece of trash criminal anyway and if she were that religious she wouldn't be out committing crimes.
    Maybe they should start treating Muslim prisoners the way they do in the Middle East. She would have been stoned to death, dumped in a grave and been eaten by maggots by now.

  2. I hope she will leave the US and go to live in a Muslim country where she will be happy...and so will I.

    The US is a Christian based country not Muslim.

  3. They should have just asked her if she wanted to go if she said no just put her in solitary until the service was over.

  4. I agree, who cares. hmmmmmm. they behead Christians and we tell them to attend a Christian Service. Something out of wack here...don't you agree?

  5. Ain't she in prison? I didn't know they were run as a democracy.

  6. Another whiner about her rights, guess what stupid, your in jail!

  7. Poor baby, the HORROR!!!

  8. And the damages are??

  9. Is suing necessary? Just act like you're praying and fall asleep til its over

  10. Keep running front page stories on her. Certified hottie!

  11. Hey...if she wins this suit..this means that I can file suit against my father for making me go to church all those years. Kewl....

  12. Is it not called "Punishment" for a reason??? Is her version of punishment a totally Muslim jail that had all the Halal and other accoutrements of a swanky Dubai hotel?

    Punishment is punishment Biotch!

  13. "Anonymous said...
    Keep running front page stories on her. Certified hottie!

    December 22, 2014 at 6:57 PM"

    Wow! The women in your area must be really ugly because this one is not by anyone's stretch of the imagination a "hottie." Looks like a hardened crack whore.
    I wouldn't let her touch my dog.

  14. She looks like an inner city thugette to me too. She's not one bit attractive. Drugs must be a part of her life because she looks 40 and not 24.

  15. Sounds like a superb candidate for waterboarding!


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