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Sunday, December 28, 2014



  1. In 1967 we did what we had to do to get information , the enemy did things you can't imagine.
    All is fair in love and war.
    The object of war is to win , we kill crush and destroy , wtf are you worried about the way we treat the enemy . Maybe we should kiss their a$$ till they talk
    Better start thinking about your president screwing up the country.

  2. I think the bleeding heart liberals have forgotten and it will probably happen again in another form....

  3. Considering how the radical muslimes treated our citizens, there's no such thing as cruel and unusual punishment for them!

  4. Cruel cannot be cruel enough for them considering what they did to our Americans.

  5. 6:39 Considering how Obama seems to love the Communists and any enemy of America, I'd say it's happening right now in the White House.

  6. Obviously you guys don't really love freedom and individual liberty then. We have way more tools in our arsenal torture. We have drones, and laser guided bombs, seal teams, delta force, the CIA, undercover agents, vast amounts of defense dollars, lie detector test, and trails by judge and jury. I agree that maybe we should execute these people or worst, but it first needs to go before a judge, and maybe even a jury. If we give up personal liberties for false security we deserve neither, period. If you want to be the greatest country on earth start acting like it.

  7. You are absolutely correct!!

  8. Scroll back up and read the story about a professional pilot debunking the whole 9/11 story. Or watch "architects and engineers for the truth about 9/11". You're all sheeple believing this nonsense about muslims which you have been fed to justify the oligarch's wars in the Middle East. The 9/11 Commission or the members of NIST are the ones who need to be tortured.

    1. So move to the sheepie middle east fool.

  9. 911 was an inside job.

    If you haven't figured that out yet, you are not paying attention.

  10. We become no better than our oppressors if we sink to their level. PEACE.

  11. I wonder if John McCain would agree with any of you after suffering years of torture and imprisonment at the Hanoi Hilton. They are the enemy, do you think they'll give you info for a Snickers bar? Whatever means necessary! Do you think beheading people and video taping it by those of the peaceful religion will stop torturing and killing? No wonder this country is ripe for the taking with this mentality spreading like a disease.

    1. He has a one sided view,and he should know if waterboarding saves one American life,DO IT.


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