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Saturday, December 06, 2014

Michael Brown witness more heroic than Eric Holder

The inconvenient heroism of Witness No. 10

Eric Holder could learn respect for the law from a Brown shooting bystander

From the very first day that news of Michael Brown’s shooting death by Officer Darren Wilson hit the front pages, Ferguson, Missouri, became synonymous with police brutality, improper training of officers and a racist, thin blue line. The case was like catnip to President Obama, a man who, six years into his term, has yet to show any understanding that he is the president of the United States, not president of the Democratic Party. He was quick to weigh in with words of support for the victim, who was being touted by a gullible media as a college-bound gentle giant of a child.

Mr. Obama turned the matter over to Eric Holder, who, similarly, has never understood that he is the chief law enforcement officer for the nation rather than the personal consigliere for Mr. Obama. For many reasons, history will not be kind to Mr. Holder, but this has been one of his most outrageous escapades as attorney general. While the Obama White House sent three administration officials to attend Brown’s funeral, Mr. Holder flew to Ferguson to let “the community” know that he and the president had their backs. He spoke of his own mistreatment by police as a young man, and got the crowds spun up with promises of change.


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