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Saturday, December 06, 2014

I'll Bet You Didn't Know...


  1. Why do you think the Government funds planned parenthood? Millions of "urban" chillin's aborted every year.

  2. I wish they still had this, although the Eastern Shore would be desolate.

  3. we should bring it back

  4. People on welfare should absolutely be at the minimum spay/neutered. Both procedures are reversible if they ever get back on their feet, and are able to support a family.
    If you can't take care of yourself you don't need a child and no good parent would ever consider bringing a child into the world unless they are financially independent to do so.
    If this were to occur we would also see a dramatic decrease in crime in about 16 years or less.

  5. This would be wonderful, the black population has exploded in this country.


  6. Everyone's entitled to one mistake.
    The 2nd one should Be On Them
    to support!
    That would stop all this Welfare
    that's costing taxpayers Millions
    and Our Goverment is at Fault!!

  7. I absolutely didn't know that,but I wonder if any people were actually sterilized at any point after that was enacted.

  8. 11:56 AM

    Thousands, in mental hospitals, state facilities for the mentally deficient, community programs, etc, in every state of the Union. It was even supported by the U.S. Supreme Court.
    Google up Eugenics in the United States for a bit of the history. The U.S. was far ahead of the Nazis when it came to sterilization of the "unfit".


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