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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Mexican Drug Cartel Beheads Two Captives In Message To America

WARNING: The content below is graphic in nature.

In some graphic footage that was recently released, a Mexican drug cartel viciously beheads two prisoners with chainsaws. The incident was captured on film.

The disturbing video opens with the cartel giving their captives a moment to say their final words, but within three minutes it takes an ugly turn. The men are brutally executed.

Although the video is not pleasant, it does serve as a reminder of what happens just south of our border, and what might happen in the United States if we decide to invite illegal immigrants in with open arms.



  1. When you vacation in Mexico this is what your money supports.

  2. No this will never happen in America. The government will screen and only allow illegals that are not dangerous stay and come in the boarders

  3. "We" didn't decide to invite them into the United States with open arms, but Obama did. I hope they go visit him first.

  4. Agreed 1:01. This is what Obama deserves for what he has done to our Nation.

    1. What nation??? White people stole this land. You ought to feel shame every time youbsing the Star Spangled Banner

  5. Can we get Barack and Michelle to have their next vacation there?

  6. It's deeper than that. The guys truck found over seas!!!!! I guarantee it went through mexico first. Don't give me the pics were cropped. If you look at the f series and the Toyota close you can see they aren't.... Any ways. Point is terrorist are coming across that boarder. They've been in mexico for years. Heroin has been grown and over seen by terror groups and they've set up shop in mexico to ensure safe passage of the drugs.this beheading by cartels has been learned from these terrorist. The lessons have helped the cartels distill fear for years. Coming soon to a neighborhood near you.

  7. It's nice to know America is full of idiots.To dislike Obama is one thing ,but to blame his administration for illegals is totally ass-o-nine.Take a good look at who was President when the 1st wave started "Coming To America"We have been conditioned People.


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