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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Convicted killer will NOT receive $20,000 sex-change surgery paid for by taxpayers after court overturns controversial ruling

A federal appeals court today overturned a controversial ruling ordering Massachusetts prison officials to provide taxpayer-funded sex-reassignment surgery for an inmate convicted of murder.

Michelle Kosilek, born Robert Kosilek, has already received hormone treatments, psychotherapy and electrolysis while serving a life sentence for strangling to death her wife, Cheryl, in 1990.

But she has continued to wage a protracted legal battle for the $20,000 full genital reconstruction treatment she says is necessary to relieve the mental anguish caused by gender-identity disorder.

While imprisoned, she has tried to commit suicide twice, as well as attempting to castrate herself.



  1. While imprisoned, she has tried to commit suicide twice, as well as attempting to castrate herself.


  2. This kind of thing is pure evil.

  3. That's right, don't get in her/his way, let her/him get the job done.

  4. A simple solution is a rubber band and some antibiotics for the castration.
    Band em' up and let them fall off.
    Sounds like some serious mental treatment is necessary. Bill the family or offer euthanasia for these criminals. Problem solved, economically I might add.
    Simply put, there are so many people on the dole that are NOT criminals we as a society can not afford to feed and clothe the hardened criminals and the criminally insane.
    Time to man up as a society and stop feeling sorry for murderers and enemies!

  5. As long as this person has OUTDOOR PLUMBING, it is a man. Even when that is gone they still are...the chromosomes have not changed!!!


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