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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Love thy neighbor, but don’t give him Internet access

Earlier this year, Comcast began rolling out the Xfinity WiFi network, essentially creating its own system to compete with cellular service. The difference, however is that instead of the hand-held device receiving the broadcast signal, equipment inside the homes of cable Internet subscribers is broadcasting the signal.

Neighbors, friends or even passersby can access this signal via the public “Service Set Identifier” “xfinity wifi” and browse to their heart’s content. The devices using the networks should, according to Comcast, be issued their own IP addresses that tie their usage to their device, thus insulating the homeowner from the consequences of someone else’s use.

Comcast said the signal is on a different band from the homeowner’s, adding another level of isolation and protection from the public usage. Several security experts report this is generally true, but weaknesses may eventually be found by the people who spend a lot of time looking for weaknesses in software.



  1. Comcast financially supports Al Sharpton.

  2. And I am paying for someone else to use my internet?

  3. Nobody sent me a free router, or came and hooked it up.


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