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Saturday, December 27, 2014

IRS Mistakenly Penalizes Christine O’Donnell Again, Empties Accounts

Adding to the long-running saga of IRS dealings with conservatives, former Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell says the tax agency punished her mistakenly for the second time in five years by imposing an erroneous levy on her bank accounts.

Ms. O’Donnell told The Washington Times that she discovered the levy when she couldn’t access her checking account as she was preparing to visit relatives over Thanksgiving.

“The day before I was heading out of town for the Thanksgiving weekend, my bank told me the IRS had frozen my accounts. They didn’t give me a reason why, just a phone number to call,” Ms. O’Donnell said in an interview this week.

She said she called the Internal Revenue Service and was told the agency had concluded she owed $30,000 in taxes from a 2008 house transaction, which was long ago accounted for on her federal returns. She said she implored the agency to check her tax records and eventually was told the levy was generated in error and her accounts would be freed up.

Although IRS officials removed the levy, they first withdrew all the funds from her account. They said that, too, was in error and the funds would be returned to her. The funds have not been replaced, Ms. O’Donnell said.

More here


  1. That agency has a great history of screwing people acting in good faith - in their attempt to generate increased revenue..to get their bonuses.

    The bonus program for these employees should be eliminated and this agency should be funded at the minimum level to process tax returns only...until we get rid of them completely!

  2. You can be certain that this IRS intimidation of Christine O'Donnell was NO mistake. It was the intentional harassment, targeting of, a past Tea Party candidate for their amusement. Criminals like the IRS Democrats using their old, worn out, go to phrase, We're Sorry, no longer cuts the ice for Liars in high places. It's an ongoing campaign of intimidation by Democrats, using the IRS as their own personal weapon of choice. It's no different than when North Korea called Obama a Monkey, only yesterday and just a few hours later their entire internet access was gone, is gone. It's Democratic consolidation of, "We Have All The Power", over everyone and everything in the world and we are going to use it against our common enemy, the non Democratic public. We have NSA, IRS, Fbi, CIA and liberal media in our pocket to use as we please. Not until the human beings that are good in this world stand up to and do the unthinkable to the evil, nothing will change.

  3. The Revolution will not be televised, nor will it be on the internet. All that will be gone while it is going on, so take out the batteries and leave them behind. Invisibility and non local meeting places will be the only way to win it.


  4. The Democrat bully machine.


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