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Sunday, December 28, 2014

JUST IN: D.C. police shoot, kill fleeing man in Southeast

WASHINGTON (AP/WJLA) -- D.C. police shot and killed a man who fled when officers approached him in Southeast Wednesday afternoon.

Commander David Taylor of the Metropolitan Police Department's 6th District says officers pursued the man Wednesday afternoon because he matched the description of a suspect in a robbery that had just occurred.

Witnesses tell ABC7 the man was walking down the street in Southeast and fled when D.C. police cars pulled up. One witness saId officers fired multiple rounds at the man as he ran, an estimated 10-20 shots.



  1. So, again, the headline does not match the facts or the story. The MSM is baiting for a riot when the headline reads that cops killed a guy running away from them just because he "looked like" somebody.

    Then, the real fact is hidden down in the story that the foot chase only turned into a gunfight when initiated by a charging, gun wielding, and shooting perp.

    But the Low information headline only readers will take to the "skreets" shortly, I'm sure!

  2. Let me guess, another black male shot and killed by police. Must be the cops fault. It can't be the thugs falult he just robbed someone, ran from the police and then tried to shoot the police.

  3. The war has begun, this is all being organized by the government and race baiters. Race war!


  5. If you are black in America watch out when the war begins because we white folks have had enough of your reverse racism and getting away with it. This includes all Democrats, you have been warned.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    WWIII bring. It.

    December 24, 2014 at 9:59 PM

    If you have ever been in a war you would never say that bs. You watch too many movies.

    1. I as a white male have had it with these black white thugs hurting killing innocent people, re,the knockout game, robbing, killing people, hurting and killing cops, THE WHIP IS COMING DOWN soon ,thanks to Obama holder Sharpton.

  7. Agreed, I have never been to war but I pray I have the courage to protect my family when necessary.

  8. @1205 When this war begins you white folks watch out for other white folks like me who aren't on your side and will gladly teach them everything they need to know.

    1. Hey punk i don't need any assistance from a thug your time is coming soon, tick tock.

  9. The economy will collapse then it will be gangs wandering raping and pillaging they will only survive for a few months and then those that prepared will rebuild.

  10. "When this war begins you white folks watch out for other white folks like me who aren't on your side and will gladly teach them everything they need to know."

    What makes you think anyone would want your kind on their side?

  11. Tell me exactly what "my kind" is.
    And yes I'm the poster of that comment.

  12. @11:53 "low life" kind. And I am not the poster of the other comments!


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