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Sunday, December 28, 2014

‘Black Guerilla’ Gang Threatens To ‘Shoot It Out’ With NYPD Cops At Two Precincts

A violent prison gang known as The Black Guerilla Family has issued what the NYPD are calling “credible threats” against two precincts in the city, WPIX (New York) is reporting.

Late Tuesday night, the Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA), a union representing about 5,000 sergeants within the NYPD, according to Huffington Post, sent a tweet indicating that a confidential informant had warned that the gang had planned to “storm” two precincts and “shoot it out” with cops inside.



  1. Since these thugs have already indicated intent, maybe it's time for a preemptive strike.

  2. Best defense is a strong offense!

  3. The local jails are filled with that gang.

  4. NYPD please slaughter these Thugs.

  5. Let the story be about some right wing group threatening violent revolution and you guys will be cheering

  6. 10:15 REALLY? God hope it doesn't get to the point where that is an option......but if it does......please go to the front of the line so you're first to be gone. No matter what beef anyone could have with anything.....do you really justify these type actions? Please tell everyone your logic?

  7. 10:15 If the right-wingers promise us a country without left-wingers and muslims, well, that's certainly something to cheer about.

  8. Sounds like there needs to be an operation to take out BGF leadership across the county. Maybe some Black Ops stuff. We can certainly kill terrorist in other countries so why not our own country.

  9. "Let the story be about some right wing group threatening violent revolution and you guys will be cheering"

    So, what's your point?

  10. A clear CHOICE for evil. Everyone is involved. You are involved. If you choose to do NOTHING...that is STILL a choice. Wake up world.

  11. The BGF are a bunch of punks.

  12. I cannot imagine the political views of 10:15! I guess it's best said that jail gangs should hold power over who and what?

    Sorry, you ar4e buzzed out here!

    We are nation of laws, and the black girillas are girls that need extermination by the proper courts of law. The jailers that are in cahoots with them will be on the same bus.

    Or, should be, but won't.n

    I'm leaving anyway...

    BTW, I didn't misspell "girllillas".

  13. U folk are not ready

  14. When everything is given to people and they never have to work, why are we surprised they value nothing?

  15. I want to see some of these posters confront BGF members. Ask for a 1 on 1. You'll get it. You won't get jumped or killed. Tell them you have a problem with their outlook and want a fade. You'll find out exactly how "punk" they are.

  16. @9:30 BRING IT ON! I am ready and so is my Smith & Wesson.

  17. You need a gun for a fist fight eh? Figures, punk.

    Maybe they stopped making guns when you bought yours. Not. Your gun isn't special and you're much too scared to end up in prison where BGF is to ever actually use your gun. Like the majority on this blog you're just a lot of tough talk.


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