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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

James Woods calls Al Sharpton a 'race pimp' and 'disgusting pig'

Actor James Woods took to Twitter on Sunday to blame the Rev. Al Sharpton, NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio and President Obama for being ‘responsible’ for the murder of two NYPD officers on Saturday.

Sharpton came in for the worst of Woods’ abuse, with the former Academy Award nominee calling him a ‘race pimp’ and a ‘disgusting pig’.

At one point on Sunday morning Woods’ tweeted: ‘This disgusting pig is DIRECTLY responsible for the murder of two good policemen. No discussion’.

The tweet included a photo of Sharpton at a protest against police.

Woods later took down that post, reports Daily Caller, but he continued tweeting using a series of hashtags including '#PigSharpton', '#RaceHucksters', '#TurnYourBack', '#BlueLivesMatter'

Woods, 67, even called for a boycott of Sony Entertainment - after executives from the company recently promised to work with Sharpton after leaked emails featured racist comments.

The president also came in for criticism including a tweet that featured a photo of Sharpton and Obama and the text ‘mission accomplished’.

Woods also applauded the NYPD officers who turned their backs on Mayor de Blasio during his press conference following Saturday's shootings.



  1. Sounds like Woods is right on track.

  2. I like this guy, alot. He tells it like it is

  3. Seems like there are some good people besides Clint Eastwood in hollywood afterall.

  4. He's supposed to be a genius,or so they say.

  5. i think that we should boycott everyone except the Amish.

  6. That is an insult to all pigs!

  7. I was thinking the same thing 7:16. Pigs have more integrity than Sharpton could ever hope to have. Sharpton is a piece of trash and it will be a good day when he takes his last breath.


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