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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christie calls on Obama to extradite Tupac Shakur's aunt from Cuba

Chris Christie has personally appealed to President Barack Obama to extradite Tupac's aunt from Cuba.

Joanne Chesimard, a former Black Panther Party member who is living under the name Assata Shakur, last year became the first woman on the FBI's most wanted terrorist list for fleeing to the Caribbean island after executing a police officer in 1973.

Now, following the landmark change in relations between the US and Cuba, New Jersey Governor Christie has launched a bid to retrieve the 67-year-old from her hiding place.

In a letter to the president, Christie slams the deal with Castro's communist government but says it is an opportunity to bring justice and prove Cuba is ready for 'serious change'.

He wrote: 'I do not share your view that restoring diplomatic relations without a clear commitment from the Cuban government of the steps they will take to reverse decades of human rights violations will result in a better and more just Cuba for its people.

'However, despite my profound disagreement with this decision, I believe there is an opportunity for Cuba and its government to show the American people it is serious about change.'

Chesimard was convicted of killing New Jersey state trooper Werner Foerster in 1973 during a gunbattle after being stopped on the New Jersey Turnpike.


1 comment:

  1. Governor Christie,

    Great idea - slam POSOTUS and let him know how he can spin this positively.

    Ain't gonna happen gov....our POSOTUS is as big a socialist as they come - his goal is to take these united states to the toilet - and he has been succeeding due to the liberals in the legislative branch helping him.

    Now that we have conservatives (we'll see if the moniker is accurate shortly) in control of the legislature, we may be able to bring this country back from the brink of extinction.


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