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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Fury after Eric Garner's daughter tweets address of another officer

One of Eric Garner's daughters has outraged New York police officers by sharing the address of another cop who was at the scene of her father's chokehold death this summer.

At 1.45am on Thursday, Erica Garner tweeted that cop Justin D'Amico, who has previously been named in reports, was 'another officer that helped killed my dad', the New York Post reported.

She also shared a link that listed addresses for the officer and five possible relatives.

Ms Garner, who has more than 5,000 followers on Twitter, promptly deleted the tweet after inquiries from the Post, it reported.



  1. a calculated, evil act on her part. shame...

  2. Charge her with attempted murder and conspiracy

  3. hey 2:08
    a typical comment , she's a bad girl.

    My comment is she should be hung by the neck , or put in front of a firing squad.

    We will learn to be aggressive very shortly.

  4. Shame was on the cops that stood there and watched other cops kill a man for selling single cigarettes.

    1. He died due to being a fat ass.

  5. These people need to stop trying to show off. When they brought the devil here on earth Sharpton into their space they showed their true evil wicked colors.
    Life hasn't been good to them, and will continue to spiral downhill because of their own perverse actions.

  6. 8:34 Hey moron. The man died 21/2 hours later from a heart attack. He was not chocked to death by a cop. And, he had been arrested 30 times prior to this.



  8. How much you wanna bet, she's spawned a few already with multiple baby daddies who, most if not all, are criminals too.
    Her actions reeks of I'm a useless POS who isn't worthy enough to breath the same air as the officers whose addresses she posted.

  9. Use your brain, before you lose it!

  10. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. The officers were trying to do their job, with the least hassles as possible-they don't make the laws.
    Garner decided to not cooperate and his actions killed him.
    It's the same disregard for civility his daughter is showing.

  11. Pamts on the Ground.

  12. Anonymous said...
    Shame was on the cops that stood there and watched other cops kill a man for selling single cigarettes.

    December 27, 2014 at 8:34 AM

    Are you really that stupid or do you just hate cops that much. If fat boy was saying he can't breathe then guess what, he was breathing. Fat boy was fat and out of shape when he resisted arrest and fought back his clogged arteries in that hypertrophic heart couldn't get enough blood to pass through so fat boy died.

    Get over it!!

  13. And the fat slob decided to show up to the NYPD memorial where the two officers were executed.

  14. Being able to talk doesn't mean you can breathe. With a heavy weight on top of you can can utter words exhaling but be prevented from inhaling. I know this from personal experience. Breathing and talking have very little to do with each other. Of course stating this is a waste of time because you all know this. But your prejudice will have you defend a murderer no matter what evidence is brought before you.

    So let the chips fall where they may. You can support the killing of innocent people by the police and we'll support the killing of innocent police by the people.

  15. @9:25 If Mr. Garner had been following the law he would not have been in the situation he found himself in. So lets talk about the evidence...in his case I believe he was arrested on SEVERAL occasions for the same violation. He ended up dead because he would not obey a police officer AND because he weighed 400 lbs. That is why he had a heart attack! So I guess we are supposed to forget about WHY he was arrested in the first place? If you don't want to do the time, don't do the crime! It's as SIMPLE as that! But I am sure you know this already. You just want to make it into a race thing...always someone else's fault. Time for EVERYONE to take responsibility for their own actions. You have no one to blame but yourselves. #policelivesmatter & #thugslivesdont

  16. 1:57
    You are nothing but a PIG. To say that someones life does not matter shows just how horrible of a person you are. I am not saying Garner was innocent or not but I don't care who you are if you have a bunch of people jumping on top of you and you can't breathe you are NOT just going to lay there. You are going to struggle to LIVE! It's instinct. A matter of survival.
    Why is it if I walk out my front door and there is someone stealing my tools out of my vehicle that I need for work and to make a living I can do nothing about it. Why can't I shoot them when they are coming between me and the ability to put food on the table for my family.......yet in this case this guy was not putting anyones life in danger yet ends up dead because we must obey the pigs. Then you wonder why people snap and hate the police. It's because of police like YOU!

  17. @157 If the cops followed the law, the constitution Eric would be living. Maybe the police should take accountability for their actions instead of blaming everyone else. First its Brown. Then its Garners fault. Then its De Blasio and Obama, and Sharpton. It's always someone elses fault. #hopeyoucandodgebullets


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