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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Florida Passes New York to Become Nation's Third Most Populous State

By adding an average of 803 new residents each day between July 1, 2013 and July 1, 2014, Florida passed New York to become the nation’s third most populous state, according to U.S. Census Bureau state population estimates released today. Florida’s population grew by 293,000 over this period, reaching 19.9 million. The population of New York increased by 51,000 to 19.7 million.

California remained the nation’s most populous state in 2014, with 38.8 million residents, followed by Texas, at 27.0 million. Although the list of the 10 most populous states overall was unchanged, two other states did change positions, as North Carolina moved past Michigan to take the ninth spot.

Another milestone took place in Georgia (ranked 8th), which saw its population surpass 10 million for the first time.

North Dakota was the nation’s fastest-growing state over the last year. Its population increased 2.2 percent, followed by the 1.7 percent growth in Nevada and Texas. Each of the 10 fastest-growing states was in the South or West with the exception of North Dakota.



  1. lot's of mosques and muslims in florida.

  2. no income tax for state residents after 6 months

  3. Lots of great jobs, big companies, progress, and the weather sure doesnt hurt!!!! Oh and no Eastern Shore ignorance......here in Florida we live life not cry about it....

    1. Then why are you trolling on this blog. No life

    2. Sorry no troll here.....just like to see the true story come out.....you born heres make me laugh

  4. Obama Crooked SocialistDecember 27, 2014 at 9:41 AM

    I would bet more than 50% of new Floridians came from NY. High Taxes, No jobs Bad Weather and High Crime, time to move, honey.

  5. SWFL is rocking and rolling.....big companies. .....great jobs.....beautiful beaches.....should I go on????

  6. I used to live in 'SWFL' The place was a pit then and is worse now.

  7. Yeh ok 417 I guess thats why Hertz just moved their headquarters here....and Naples were I live is home to 20k millionaires and 27 billionaires......I lived on delmarva for nearly 20 years and if ever there was a pit its the eastern shore......people are running from delmarva......they are running to florida......numbers dont lie.....

  8. And to think I moved from Florida to here 30 years ago! Do I feel like a dumba--. But, I was tired of hot summer day and wanted my four seasons back, and hunting.

    Need to find a new state...Unless Mr. Hogan can convince me otherwise. I do like it here, but am drowning...

  9. It was cooler here this summer than up there.....I do miss the seasons alittle but no snow to shovel and I can go to the beach everyday......and we do hunt here.

  10. "and Naples were I live is home to 20k millionaires and 27 billionaires."

    Stupid comment. Doesn't really make much difference unless you ARE one of the millionaires / billionaires. And if you are, then any damn place could be nice.

  11. When you have that kind of wealth in a town its easy to create jobs and have progress....my comment was aimed at the person who stated that SWFL is a pit.....far from it! Again just providing facts...leaving delmarva although i miss it the beauty of it was the best thing ive ever done. You locals can pin your hopes on hogan all you want.....the damage is long done and there isnt much left to help fix it. One person wont turn decades of decine around on the shore.

  12. Naples isn't a bad place - if you already have money and can afford the ridiculous prices. But Naples represents 'SWFL' about as much as Salisbury represents Delmarva. It doesn't.

  13. "you born heres make me laugh"

    Don't start that ignorant crap - you don't even know any true 'born heres'. If you did, your grammar might be a bit better.


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