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Saturday, December 06, 2014

Dear Media: This Elizabeth Lauten Nonsense Is Why Everybody Hates You

Last week, President Barack Obama pardoned a turkey prior to Thanksgiving Day, as is tradition. And as in previous years, his teenage daughters Malia and Sasha stood by his side. The daughters are cute as can be — and Malia is growing into an absolutely beautiful young woman.

They are, however, teenagers. And they were, I guess, engaged in some mild teenage behavior — eye-rolling and smirking and what not. I watched a video of the event and didn’t really notice anything worth commenting on (apart from the interesting annual practice of Obama signing the cross over the turkey). But one minor Capitol Hill staffer thought the girls were dressed inappropriately and acted a bit churlish. And then, for some reason, she wrote about it on Facebook.

At which point some people lost their everliving minds. Her comments were posted on Twitter where the social media mob fed their hankering for constant outrage. There were petitions calling for her to be punished. And worst of all the media wrote and broadcast story after story after story about the matter. Elizabeth Lauten lost her job for saying mean things about President Obama’s children.

Now, Lauten is in communications and her job presumably included an assumption that she wouldn’t embarrass her boss. Besides, in a city where you can keep your job even if you’re involved in serious scandals at the IRS, State Department, Veterans Affairs or the Department of Justice, an actual job loss is refreshing, in its own way. She even gave a full-throated apology — within hours of the initial post — for being mean, not one of these “I’m sorry if” constructions that politicians frequently use.



  1. While I have not liked obammy way before it was cool not to like obammy, his children are OFF LIMITS.

    Just as if anyone were have a problem with me and attacked any of my kids or g-kids, THEN they would really have a problem with me, most likely a physical one.

    He and his wife are fair game and can be targeted( figure of speech SS), hands off the kids.

  2. P.S. And the same goes for Joe and his family, including his wife. She is not part of this blog and should not be touched either.

    Joe has proven time after time he can handle anything that is thrown his way.

    Even wars have rules.


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