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Saturday, December 06, 2014

Baltimoreans Rank High On Least-Attractive List

WASHINGTON -- Baltimore may be a nice-looking city when you're entering town and looking at the skyline, but one travel website's readers say the people in it aren't much to look at.

Travel + Leisure posted its annual rankings of which cities and towns have the most and least attractive people in the U.S., and Baltimoreans come out as the fourth-least attractive, behind -- or ahead of? -- only Oklahoma City, Memphis and, least-fair of them all, Detroit.

Travel + Leisure doesn't give a whole lot of reasons for its picks -- they're just based on readers' votes -- so there's plenty of room for argument.



  1. And as we all know,beauty is in the eye of the beerholder.

  2. Hang around the street corner near the Lexington Market for a couple of hours around noon for a view of Baltimore's most bizarre denizens.
    However, before the sun sets, make yourself scarce.


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