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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Confident Biden sets timeline for presidential candidacy

Vice President Biden said Tuesday he’ll make up his mind about whether to run for president “at the end of the spring or early summer.”

"I honest to God haven't made up my mind,” Biden said at a ‘Women Rule’ event hosted by Politico. “I'm confident I'd be in a position to be competitive."

"The one thing that moves me — I think that I have the ability to bring the sides together,” he added.

Biden’s daughter Ashley appeared on stage with him at the event, and called his potential presidential aspirations a “family decision.”



  1. Hah ha haha ha ..LMAO thats is funny

  2. tell him no Ashley!

  3. He's hoping people can be stupid 3 times straight.Who knows,this is America and we're known for our bad judgement.My guess is that he's wasting his time.

  4. His bosses have not told him yet if he is going to "run".

    They will let him know soon enough.


  5. Look up 'idiot' in the dictionary; you'll find Slow Joe's picture.


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