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Saturday, December 13, 2014

Armstrong Williams: Blacks 'Allowed Gov't to Become Their Parents'

When it comes to the plight that faces African-Americans across the country, they only have themselves to blame because they have let government play too much of a role in their lives, Armstrong Williams tells Newsmax.

"If you look at any culture, whether it's Jewish, Irish Americans and many American blacks in this country, and if you think about where they come from and their history and you think what they have been able to do in the United States to make it their foot stool," Williams, host of "The Armstrong Williams Show" told Ed Berliner on Newsmax TV Thursday.

"Why? Because while they realized that they were disenfranchised at one time, they did not allow the government to break down their family, to become their role models, to decide how much you're going to eat . . . how many babies you're going to have, and whether the father is going to be in the household next year," he explained.

"If they break away from that government plantation mentality and realize that they need to gain back their self-worth, self-esteem, work ethic and discipline, then the world around them will begin to change," he added.

According to Williams, "it's not an issue of laziness . . . . It's about personal responsibility and accountability. It's about what you want to become in life.

"Do you want to give your life to the government to run or do you want to live it yourself? "

Read more here


  1. This is a very relevant post that couldn't have come at a better time.

  2. But that would mean the welfare gravy train would dry up? Bet the commie lobby will do anything to keep the welfare HOPE ALIVE....

  3. Democrats have enslaved black people once again.


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