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Wednesday, November 05, 2014


(CNSNews.com) – Reverend Franklin Graham, son of world renowned evangelical pastor Billy Graham, said that President Barack Obama was “fundamentally mistaken” about radical Islam; questioned why peaceful Muslims do not collectively condemn jihadist terrorism; and argued that Islam “is a false religion” and that “it is impossible for a false religion to be a true religion of peace.”

Rev. Franklin Graham also cited examples from a speech he recently gave outside the White House, decrying the actions of followers of a “peaceful religion” who practice “female circumcision,” hijacking, kidnapping, “honor” killings, and decapitation.

Rev. Graham commended President Obama for sending some U.S. troops to fight the Islamic State but, citing Obama’s Sept. 24 speech at the United Nations where the president said “Islam teaches peace,” the reverend said, “I also believe our president is completely and fundamentally mistaken about the intolerant and violent nature of hardened Islamic followers.”

"For Muslims, peace comes only through submission to Islam,” said Rev. Graham in his November commentary for Decision magazine, published by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. “When they speak of peace, they mean submission to their religion. Worldwide, tens of thousands of men, women and children have been slaughtered in the name of Allah, under the bloody flag of Islam.”



  1. Listen to this man , he is confirming what we already know.
    Do we need this man to acknowledge the existence of a so called religious terrorist group that Obama supports with money , weapons and food?

  2. Obama is answering to the entire world because he is a globalist.Christianity is not a worldwide religion & never will be,and that isn't because everyone hasn't heard about it.Hearing about something and accepting it are 2 entirely different things,and free will is as much a part of the Bible as any other.

  3. It's not a religion. It's a cult. Proof lies in the mostly silent "peace loving" muslims who don't speak out against the extremists.
    Christians had no problem speaking out against the radical Christian Identity groups like Timothy McVeigh was involved with. Or the nuts from that "church" that protest at funerals.
    Muslims are brainwashed.


  4. Lost! Lost! Lost! If man had followed the path of Truth.Only if man had followed TRUTH.

  5. Islam will speak out against it's extremist when republicans/democrats/capitalists begin speaking out against theirs. We aren't holding our breaths, don't go holding yours.

    As if speaking out against extremist would have an effect anyway. They are extremist they do whatever the hell they want to.


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