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Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Fed Using Uber Service Points Gun at Driver’s Head

"Do you want to live or die?"

A man who pointed a gun at the head of an Uber driver in Salt Lake City, Utah last week has turned out to be a federal police officer.

According to reports, 44-year-old Byron McDonald, a Lieutenant with the Bureau of Indian Affairs Justice Services, was picked up at a downtown bar by Uber driver James Brothers on October 20 after spending the evening with a group of friends.

“Immediately I kind of felt there was something off with him. Not only was he intoxicated, but there had to have been something else,” Brothers said. “As I’m driving, he’s like really paranoid. I have my hand on my leg. And he grabs my hand and firmly places it on the gear shift, and he says, ‘You need to keep your hand there.’”



  1. Another black on white crime , what say you now Sharpton?

  2. 6:50 ever hear of google? Give it a try.

  3. a taxi service I think...

  4. Uber is German for Super. I think it is the name of the Transportation service.


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