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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Kareem Abdul-Jabbar: White People Feel Targeted by the Ferguson Protests—Welcome to Our World

Abdul-Jabbar is a six-time NBA champion and league Most Valuable Player. He is also a celebrated author, filmmaker and education ambassador.

White Americans feel like they are being singled out because of the color of their skin rather than any actions they’ve taken. That's how black people feel. Every. Single. Day.

In 1971, a riot broke out at the Attica Correctional Facility in New York during which prisoners demanded more political rights and better living conditions. About 1,000 inmates out of 2,200 took control of the prison, holding 42 staff members hostage. 

Negotiations went on for days before state police stormed the prison, resulting in 43 deaths. Attica has since become a pop culture reference in movies, songs, and TV shows. Even children’s shows like SpongeBob Squarepants, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Sabrina: The Teenage Witch have referenced it. The word “Attica” is no longer about what happened in that prison 43 years ago, but is now simply a synonym for political oppression.



  1. When the dust settles and everything has calmed down who does Kareem think will clean up the mess and rebuild? I guess now we owe it to the rioters to fix and repair this mess.It seems that everyone who cannot wisely pick and choose their battles are surfacing daily.One would expect this from the illiterate masses,but those who we once considered respectable are now chiming in.What goes with that?

  2. "welcome to our world" ????
    yea, he has really suffered in his life, huh... all they have are excuses. all they do is point the finger of plame for their ills. god knows theyre not going to look in the mirror.

  3. Kareem should move to an Islamic state if he dislikes the way life is here.
    Nothing is stopping him from picking up and building a very nice home in Yemen or Sudan. Maybe Iran is more his style. I'm sure they would welcome him.

  4. Weren't most of the businesses burned in Ferguson owned by minority citizens? Let the rioters rebuild their city or let it die.

  5. Anyone who changes their name to Kareem Abdul Jabbar's opinion is about as relevant as Usama Bin Laden's.

  6. Ya with all the money he has he can relate to the people of Ferguson.

  7. You have got to be kidding me.

  8. How long will blacks play the the victim card? Even the ones that are not suffering are playing that card.

  9. When the Muslims take over in a few years they will FIX all of this crap once and for all..

  10. Never expected garbage as such to come from Jabber. WHAT A LOSER!

  11. 6:50-I read this morning where they're teaming up with the Russians.Honestly

  12. Kareem Abdul-Jabbar? Is he a black victim or is he a Muslim? Come on now Jabby you can't be both.

  13. I guess all blacks are racist at heart.

  14. Sounds like he advocates this!

  15. Well past time to stop patronizing the NBA and the NFL. You can watch this crap if you like - I'm going to a Capitals game.

  16. Now that Lew Alcindor has giving up his baptist faith for the muslim faith and became Kareem Abdul Jabbar and made many millions of dollars NOW he wants to relate to the struggle of blacks? Throw them some of those millions and help them rebuild if you can relate to how they feel.


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