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Sunday, November 30, 2014

Church attended by Michael Brown's family destroyed during Monday night's protests

The Missouri church attended by Michael Brown’s father and his family was one of a dozen or so buildings burned to the ground during Monday night’s protests in the wake of a grand jury’s decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson.

While the majority of the buildings destroyed on Monday were in downtown Ferguson, the Flood Christian Church is located some three miles away from the protests in a remote section of Country Club Hills.

Pastor Carlton Lee, who has been a vocal advocate for the Browns since their son was shot in August, has said he believes that white supremacists rather than protesters were to blame for the destruction.



  1. Never let a good crisis go to waste. Probably torched by the government since the riots haven't turned out to be the catalyst for "change" they wanted.

  2. The federal government should not rebuild Ferguson.The insurance companies will refuse because of the circumstances,leaving the town in ruin as it should remain.

  3. That's right, preacher. Keep stirring that race pot. That's what got you to this. Just keep it going...

  4. If I managed an insurance company with a client that was destroyed there I would not pay a cent. Obama allowed it to happen so it was an act of God.

  5. Yeah blame it on white supremacists. These people will not ever stop lying.

  6. The stepfather said "BURN THIS B!#@& DOWN" on national TV, LIVE, repeatedly in the minutes leading up to the conflagration. That is inciting violence and arson. He should be charged.

    Just sayin'.

  7. When is the last time any of us met a white supremacist?

  8. Another want to be rev al.

  9. Please these folks I bet have NEVER stepped a foot in a church other than when they buried other thugs.


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