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Friday, October 03, 2014

What’s The Most-Ticketed Car In America?

It’s definitely your own fault you were cruising past a cop at 15 mph over the limit, and we get it that great at parking between the lines, but if you happen to drive a Subaru WRX, you might just be doomed (not really).

According to a new report on 526 models, more than one-in-three drivers of that vehicle have had a recent traffic violation of some kind. MarketWatch cites data culled by Insurance.com from 557,000 recent customers, which also points out that though the Subaru WRX gets the most of all the models, there are three Scion vehicles in the Top 20, making it the kingpin of violations.



  1. Topaz and Prius in the top 20. Usually those bricks are holding up everybody.

  2. The ones that SPEED.

  3. Subaru drivers don't speed.. wink.

  4. Jake Days truck.???

  5. Many years ago I was operating a vw bus at about 80 mph. I was stopped by a pg county cop who walked around it three times before speaking to me. He shook his head and said he wasn't even gonna write a ticket because no one would believe him and that if I went to court the judge would ridicule him.

  6. Driving a Scion XB should get you a ticket for driving while ugly. I can't stand those cars.

  7. It should be the crown Victoria police intercept.


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