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Friday, October 03, 2014

FDA: Use Of Vital Human Antibiotics In Animals Increased 16% In 3 Years

Even as a growing number of people — from consumers to scientists to physicians — expressed concerns about the overuse of antibiotics in animal feed, a new FDA report shows that farmers continued adding more drugs to their animals’ diets, and that almost every one of those antibiotics was purchased and administered without a prescription.

Antibiotics given to farm animals already account for around 80% of all antibiotics sold in the U.S., and according to the FDA’s latest report [PDF, between 2009 and 2012, the total quantity of just those antibiotics deemed medically important to humans that were sold or distributed for use in food-producing animals increased by 16%.

More than two-thirds (67%) of the medically important drugs fed to animals in 2012 were tetracyclines, which are used in humans to treat everything from urinary tract infections to chlamydia to Lyme disease, but whose use has declined because of the prevalence of drug-resistant bacteria.



  1. yes, and as we eat that "tainted" meat it lowers our immune system! GET IT????

  2. 4:01... You are SO RIGHT. If you don't know what your dinner has been eating... you don't know what you are eating. And when you need an antibiotic it will not work because you have been on a steady diet and your body is maxed out. EDUCATION is the key.

  3. Pray over it before you eat it and all will be OK.If we truly educated ourselves about what we eat and what it could do to us we would starve.There is some negative quality in everything we eat unless we grow 100% of it ourselves.90%+ of us either could not do that or would not think of such a thing.


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