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Thursday, October 02, 2014

J.P. Morgan Says About 76 Million Households Affected By Cyber Breach

J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. said contact information for about 76 million households and about 7 million small businesses was compromised in a cybersecurity attack detected this summer.

The largest U.S. bank by assets said financial information wasn't compromised in the attack and that customer money is "safe" since there was no breach of any login information such as passwords, dates of birth, social security numbers or account numbers.

But the banks said contact information of the customers' -- names, email addresses, phone numbers and addresses—were captured by hackers, who remain unknown and under investigation by the bank and law enforcement.



  1. Looking for another Government bail out.

  2. Just another red flag in the system to warn you that this country is going down.

  3. The mindset is that these hackers originate from within the US but they do not.Where they come from the US Gov can't touch anyway.


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