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Thursday, October 02, 2014

How New Jersey's Creeping Wage Hikes Are Crippling Mom-And-Pop Restaurants

Another day, another unintended consequence of the socialist state's eagerness to "make things better" for everyone, blowing up in its face.

For today's anecdote we go to New Jersey where legislation introduced by Assemblywoman Shavonda Sumter, D-Paterson which passed in the Assembly’s Labor Committee on a party-line vote last March, calls for an increase in the minimum wage for tipped workers. It would increase the federal minimum of $2.13 per hour to $3.39 by the end of this year and $5.93 by 2016.



  1. Subtle increases in prices will offset the wage increase.

  2. Great news for employees. This will force owners to not overstaff on slow nights. So many restaurant owners use this loop-hole to force servers to labor for no money on slower shifts. Sorry you might have to pay workers to work.

  3. I think this is a great idea but, being taxed to the limit by our ever-helpful government, this will eliminate the need for tips. The employer passes on the cost to the consumer, the employee gets paid a fair wage and there is no need for tipping ever again. Got to love how this all works.

  4. I think tipping is stupid. Servers should get a flat pay scale and be happy. Oops, most servers are miserable and that's the only job they can get. Don't expect a great tip for crappy service and then cry when only left a penny.


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