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Friday, October 03, 2014

Jimmy Carter: I could’ve beaten Reagan if I showed my ‘manly’ side

Former President Jimmy Carter said he would have won his presidential race against Ronald Reagan — if only he had shown his “manly” side during the campaign.

He made the claim during an interview with “CBNC Meets” while discussing Operation Eagle Claw, his failed attempt to rescue the American hostages in Iran in 1980.

“I could’ve been re-elected if I’d taken military action against Iran, shown that I was strong and resolute and … manly and so forth,” he said. “I could have wiped Iran off the map with the weapons that we had, but in the process a lot of innocent people would have been killed, probably including the hostages, and so I stood up against all that, all that advice, and then eventually my prayers were answered and every hostage came home safe and free.

“And so I think I made the right decision in retrospect, but it was not easy at the time,” he said.



  1. What a load of crap. Until Obama, he was the worst president. He needs to sit down and shut up. Especially now.

  2. Don't worry Jimmy!
    The country made the right choice that time....and the wrong one two and six years ago.

    For those reasons, try as you might lately, you're not the worst president in this country's history!

  3. He's as manly as Obama.

  4. He still doesn't get it. Manly does not mean you have to use the forces available to you. Reagan didn't use force. But, he made sure the Iranians knew he would as president. It has been nearly 34 years since Carter was replaced by Reagan. When will Jimmy show his manly side?

    It is still up in the air which is the worst president. Carter was educated to know better. Obama just thinks he knows best.

  5. He did not really say that did he? Well at least he is no longer the worst president our country has ever had. Remember 20% interest rates, I do?

  6. Ahem! I attended Marine Radar navigation training at Ft. Eustis just after this mission. It just happened that helicopter mechanic school was also located at Eustis. According to instructors that I spoke to, you NEVER fly a helicopter into a sandy region (like Iran) WITHOUT attaching sand screens on the engine intakes. Carter’s people were more concerned about being secretive than being prepared for the mission. It failed because the engines sucked that sand up and shut down. It failed by mission design not lack of manhood.

  7. if jimmy carter had been a "MAN", he would've been on the republican ticket. instead he was/is a pansie-ass liberal so he was on the democRAT ticket!


  8. Jimmah couldn't beat an egg, then or now! OweBama is getting him off the hook as worst president ever.

  9. Poor soul. He never did understand how to get out of his own way. Didn't lead, because he couldn't lead. Did very well with Habitat for Humanity.

  10. This is maybe the best joke EVER in Sby News.I can't laugh and type at the same time,so please forgive me if I miffpel any words.


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