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Friday, October 03, 2014

Donor Blames Harry Reid for Low Approval Ratings, Being Out of Touch

Democratic leader comes under fire at private fundraiser for Mark Pryor

A $1,000-per-plate fundraiser with Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor (Ark.) turned into an anti-Harry Reid gripe fest last month, after one donor blamed the majority leader for the Senate’s poor public approval ratings and said the idea of him leading the institution was laughable.

“If you asked a thousand Americans, is this the guy who’s best positioned to lead the U.S. Senate, people would laugh at you,” said the donor, according to another attendee and a recording of the event obtained by theWashington Free Beacon.

Pryor was speaking at an invitation-only fundraiser in New York to benefit the Democrats for Education Reform Federal PAC on Sept. 21.



  1. $1,000 per plate, to be fed a bunch of S%@T. These "fundraisers are a joke.

  2. Harry Reid is my enemy, he is your enemy and he is our country's enemy. Harry Reid is the very definition of 'domestic terrorist'.

  3. Harry Reid is a good example of a living human cancer that should be eliminated from this country. He's a traitor, a liar and a coward just like Obama.


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