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Sunday, October 12, 2014

County Executive A Victim Of Common Core

Considering Pollitt was quoted in the Daily Times stating he has NOT raised a single red cent for his campaign for re election, he also stated the following.

“From my perspective, I think my best strategy (for the primaries) was to keep doing what I’ve been doing for the last 11 years,” Pollitt added.

Excuse me Rick, (and the Daily Times) but you haven't been County Executive for 11 YEARS!!!! You've been in office for SEVEN years.

Now, that being said, now that we know MATH isn't a strong point for Rick Pollitt, when he does raise money, my guess is that he will do so in a VERY BIG way from donations in Annapolis and he doesn't want YOU to see that until the very end or the election is over.

Culver is coming on VERY STRONG in the last week financially and without giving you any BS Hype, business owners and residents in the County are coming to Bob's side and it looks like Bob will be the clear winner in this race.

The NICE GUY days are over for Pollitt. He has been in office long enough to prove he cannot handle the County's massive job losses. He has proven his main goal is to raise taxes each and every year in the hope YOU will help him eliminate the revenue cap.

Rick has hired THREE In House Attorneys and has skyrocketed executive office expense WAY BEYOND what anyone had ever agreed upon.

Finally let's talk about the FOP and WCSO. Ever since Rick was elected he made a deal with the WCSO for collective bargaining without binding arbitration. In recent weeks, (after SEVEN years) they finally came to an agreement and out of nowhere the deal fell flat on its face and Rick sent back ALL of the money they had been taking out of Deputies pay in anticipation of the deal going through.

They are trying to keep it quiet but let me tell you this, there's a MASSIVE lawsuit about to hit the County Taxpayers and quite frankly, (this is just an opinion) the County Executive is going to lose.

It truly is time for new leadership in Wicomico County. Bob Culver is a proven and successful businessman who can and will lead the County in the right direction.

If Pollitt does in fact win, well, (in my honest opinion) the election was rigged, period.


  1. Joe, Joe, Joe! You have to read between the lines when Rick says anything! For the last 11 years, Rick has:

    1) Been in politics

    2)Been rigging the elections.

    See? And he didn't have to lie!

    This keeps Bob Culver at risk still, but I hope the voters can turn the tide.

  2. I laughed when I read Rick's quotes to the Daily Times. He sounded like an idiot. What seems clear to me is that whoever his past donors were, they have lost confidence in him and are not willing to support him. I have been hearing rumors that some of the well-known Democrats in this town consider him an embarrassment. This proves it to me. I still think Bob has an uphill battle as the Democrats do a better job of getting out their voters. Everyone who supports Bob needs to talk him up, encourage people to actually go to the polls and send a donation if they can so he can get mailers out to more voters that tell his philosophy and positions.

  3. The growth of the legal department is just one of the growth of government issues that concerns me. I've heard there are something like 250 credit cards spread out over 13 departments. Are you kidding me? That is ridiculous. The stories associated with one department head makes you wonder why he is still employed. Personal use of a county vehicle, department purchasing equipment not suitable to do the required job, purchasing equipment that no one is trained to use so it is sitting there depreciating - all showing really poor decision making. All Rick does is make excuses for County employees, like we the citizens should feel privileged that they work for us.
    Rick is COMPLETELY OUT OF TOUCH because he has never worked in the private sector. HE JUST DOESN'T GET IT.

    Joe - what a service you are doing exposing these things. Keep digging - there is so much more to come out.

  4. How stupid of Pollitt to turn on the Sheriff's department. Whether you love him or hate him, Mike Lewis is an elected official, and a really popular one at that. Far more popular than Pollitt. Pollitt and Strasburg like to be in control. It is hard for them to actually work with another elected official who has such a strong connection with the public. Just another example of their egocentric leadership. Now Strasburg and their flunky Prettyman are trying to discredit Lewis because he didn't play their game. GOOD FOR MIKE! Just one more reason to vote for Culver.

  5. Joe, maybe the traditional "October surprise" is a lawsuit against the County - ROFLMAO. You can bet if there is a pending suit, the empty suit and his red-faced administrator are like cats covering up sh@t. Please, please, please get to the bottom of this.

  6. Oh please, let's hope it is not rigged once again. That has happened way way to much in Salisbury and Wicomico County. GO BOB CULVER!!! Let's get Bob elected.

  7. What in the world is Rick talking about - 11 years? It seems like an eternity to the taxpayers - LOL, but 11 years ago, wasn't he working for Fruitland? Is something wrong with him? It seems he has been absent a lot allowing Wayne to run things. Has he been in Annapolis trying to find a job?

  8. His comments don't make sense. Kind of like the way he has run things. VOTE CULVER

  9. Like some people here, I think the democratic machine rigs local elections, at the very least. When is somebody going to do something about it?

  10. Oh my goodness! I can't believe Rick didn't have any donations before the primary. So shocking that I researched his financial records on the election finance page and I only found one donation since the last election and it was from his buddy, Jim Fineran. It is amazing an elected executive didn't have donations coming in continually. Must indicate dissatisfaction.

  11. Something is rotten in the executive's office. Buck stops with the executive. He needs to go and new guy needs to clean house. Too many hold overs from past. Morris, Baker, Mackes and Shea was there too long. Why did council hire Creamer? Good old boys controlled Politt until they gave up on him.

  12. Which lawsuit are you talking about? Isn't there more than one on the horizon?

  13. Is it just me, or, does he look like Mrs. Doubtfire?!

  14. Really? Unbelievable that he didn't have donations. When does the next report come out?

  15. This doesn't surprise me in the least. Rick is a nice guy but his last 8 years have shown that he is not a leader. He doesn't have a vision. And his motto "Building bridges" is a laugh.

  16. More corruption coming with RICK POLLIT.

  17. 9:40 Rick isn't a nice guy. You just don't know about his dark side. Temper, untruthfulness, talks the talk but does not walk the walk.

  18. The police officers of Wicomico deserve a well needed and earned raise! What Rick is doing is wrong on many levels.

  19. 10:07 He does walk the walk, right into Wawa's along route 50, as he flees his responsibilities here on the shore. Oh, let's not forget about lunches and dinners and boozing with Wayne.

  20. Hopefully the Police will start following his fat a// around from the bars.

  21. Prohibition ended years ago. He can drink all he wants just not on my dime.

  22. People the contract was about disability for the deputies. I vited for this seven years ago. Joe great reporting. I think there may be a criminal element as to how the Executive's Office handled this. Rick's whole staff needs to go. Ricky after yesterdays debate in Baltimore your boy Brown is going down. You lose all the way around. Thank Straussburg for ruining your career. What goes around comes around my friend

  23. Joe meet with the President of the F.O.P. this guy has all the facts. If he will do it I think there is much more to this.

  24. The facts are Pollitt and company do have a lot to worry about. The word is the F.O.P. has started the ball rolling. They gave Pollitt every oppurtunity to fix things. I know as a deputy I will never trust him again

  25. I already know what the deal is. The FOP and Pollitt came to a firm understanding/agreement.

    When Pollitt's team of Cracker Jack in house attorneys sent back the FINAL agreement, Pollitt changed ALL of the major language, dismissing what had been agreed upon and the FOP told him to go pound sand.

    It's an old attorney trick, change the language and HOPE the FOP doesn't notice. you know, TRUST ME kind of stuff.

    Here's the funny part, (ONCE AGAIN) how come the rest of your local media and blogs aren't talking about it?????

    Because they have no more credibility and they support the LIBERAL agenda.

    When you make an agreement and stay a MAN OF YOUR WORD. Pollitt has proven he cannot do so.

  26. Sounds like bait and switch. Could be criminal case looming as well. Hmmmmmmmmmmm Sickening.

    The deputies have collective bargaining with binding arbitration with the County Council and Pollitt's Office. WTF is he thinking. This will be all over the media and once again we look like idiots on the shore.

    I do know Pollitt thinks Brown is taking him under his wing. Brown is not a guarantee here.

    Rick's grand daddy would be ashamed of him over this.

  27. Ricky has skated on his family's name for a long time but now is the time for the rubber to hit the road. Not sure he is capable of making it happen. Having won two elections with opponents who are respected but not local gave him a false sense of confidence. Now he has a local name who is one of the locals and the people are responding.

  28. Rick was warned that tax and spend isn't popular with the citizens. But he can't help himself. That is what the Democrats do. O'malley, Mathias, Conway, Pollitt are all cut from the same cloth. They have worn out their welcome here.

  29. Joe, the legal department is a joke. As to your post, the Sheriff and FOP aren't the only ones they have pulled that cr@p on. Definitely say one thing and do another is the name of the game in the Executive's office.

    To the poster who commented about Strasburg ruining Rick's career. I agree, but Rick gave him lots of help to do so. Mr. Hide My Car So No One Knows I am at the Bar in My County Car, ALWAYS thinks he is the smartest man in the room. The rest of you/us are supposed to be sheep that blindly follow his greatest. He needs to go as much as doublespeak Pollitt.

  30. Mr. Nice Guy has a temper as well as a dark and ugly side. He tries to hide it, but it slips out once in a while. It usually does not surface for things like fighting for what's right for the citizens, but things that affect his so-called political career and campaign. Don't be fooled my the "I'm such a nice guy" routine.

  31. Joe, glad you realize that the Executive office can't be trusted and that they have been untruthful and continue to be untruthful about Sheriff and FOP. What is hilarious is all the phone calls being made & conversations being had by those people and their supporter that they believe are being kept "secret". The Executive's office and our soon bound for Florida council member aren't liked and aren't trusted by almost everyone they are "confiding" in. Talk about stupid! ROFLMAO

  32. Do not speak for Rick's grandfather. Mr. Jesse would be proud of his family and if you knew him at all, you would not make such ignorant statements.



  33. I think the poster was talking about the other side of the family. You know the one who was Sheriff of this county. I know he would want his deputies having a disability that would protect a deputy out serving the citizens of this great county. I for one do not get what has gone on here but what I am hearing it does not sound good at all. Rick must be getting bad advice somewhere. I voted for the thing with the deputies 7 years ago and it still is not right. Come on something is fishy here.

  34. Joe what does Mike Lewis have to say about all of this. Sounds like he needs to be involved. I am reserving my take till Mike speaks out. I do know some of the sheriffs are really angry.

  35. 9:32 I will never see him in the same light again. OMG!!!

  36. Holy cow

    This post should be at the top. Please put it there. Thanks.


  37. Slick Ricky has been gorging at the trough his entire life...one public sinecure after another.

    From the photo he needs to loosen his tie to get some oxygen back to what brain he may have so he can count down the remaining days of his woeful reign.

    Go away, Ricky, go away!

  38. Joe great Job on this. The Daily Slime will not touch this story. They are what is wrong with this country. They could not report the truth if their lives depended on it. I am voting Culver. I was on the fence and this report made up my mind. I got to talk to a deputy who said it is true Rick Pollitt and company defrauded the deputies. All the stuff in the post is true. I am disgusted. Joe thanks for making up my mind way to get it out there before local media white washed it.

  39. The Daily Times doesn't want to touch the Article because they are on their last leg. Part of Gannett's new media structure requires The Daily Times to 'stand on its own' financially.

    But how they can they survive - now that their 'lifeline' has been severed.
    Anything even remotely controversial they will try and stay away from. That is why I don't even waste my time reading it anymore.

  40. Joe your absolutely correct Rick changed major language in the agreement after it was agreed on by the Sheriffs Office tried a slick Rick move. Several meetings have been called by the FOP to try and resolve the issue so that no lawsuit is needed however Ricky thinks he did nothing wrong. The unfortunate thing is he has placed the FOP into a corner and the only outcome is a painful and costly lawsuit at the taxpayers expense. Ricky you should be ashamed.


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