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Sunday, October 12, 2014

A Liberal Comment Worthy Of A Post

I truly HATE this blog because it so one sided politically and personally. Some opinions are censored. 

This blog allows so much hate, lack of respect and disdain against the President Obama and the federal government. 

This blog do not respect the opinions of all people. Just the blogger and it's friends who think overall, republican. 

I can't wait until this blog gets shut down in the future and for good. 

This blog is so much about politics that it is boring. All this copy and paste news from all over the country and not enough local or eastern shore news. 

You all need to clean up your own house, instead of wondering what's going on in other states.
Joe, your blog is so one sided, some of us are tired of your news.
Peace be with you.

PUBLISHERS NOTES: Dear Anonymous, Please do not send such hateful comments in any more, we just can't take it. I will refer you to our Complaint Department. It's very simple. See that big "red X" in the top right hand corner of this screen? We've made it VERY simply for you to click on it and it will immediately take you to our Complaint Department where they are trained to deal with people like yourself. 

All joking aside, please don't tell the Sheriff we put a GUN to your head and FORCED you to come here. If you'll leave your name and address we'll be happy to send you a complimentary helmet including a face guard for the Short Bus you travel in. 


  1. Can you say IDIOT. This is absolutely a DUMBOCRAP if you are tired of this site then don't come on here! I have a better idea, form your own blog and spew your dumbacrap ideas there and spare the rest of us your stupidity. It's very apparent you don't watch TV news either because if you did you would know there is very little "local" news there either. This blog has more "local" news than any other source and it's local news that is "fresh" not three days or more old.

  2. This blog could be used to help people keep track of safety measures and what is going on in the community. That would be the only changes I would make.

  3. Another one following the PIDE PIPER

  4. Democrats certainly corner the market on stupidity.

    "I don't agree with you, so I want you to go away".

    They have no answer to problems other than to tax or regulate. Throw someone else's money at a problem and hope it goes away.

    That is not governance.

  5. Those are the folks who make up the democratic party. Thanks for the insight.

  6. Dear Joe,

    You should warn us in the future of your hilarious response. I just spit diet coke all over the computer. Thank you so much for the laugh. I will now continue to clean up my screen and laugh as you have just made morning. Thank you.
    You made my day!!!

    A Loyal Reader

  7. The poster has a good point and if you ever want to be taken seriously in the business of reporting news you should pay attention. This blog is operating in a bubble of ultra conservative hateful babble.

  8. anonymous 8:49, I get it. You want a FREE helmet too, right?

  9. typical LIBERAL drivel - so tolerant of everything until they disagree

  10. #1) It's Joe's blog so he can post anything he wants.

    #2) It's Joe's blog so he can censor anything he wants to censor.

    #3) It's Joe's blog and you are not forced to read it.

    #4) It's Joe's blog and if you see something that offends you no one is stopping you from clicking on the big red X in the upper right hand corner.

  11. LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING PAL. If you yourself do not have disdain for this president then you need to do some serious introspection!
    Anyone who isn't disdainful of this president has major character flaws.
    It would benefit you greatly and especially any children you have it you would change your attitude.
    Only a piss poor example of a human being approves of this lying incompetent administration and it starts from the top down.
    YOU are all that is WRONG with people. Decent people do NOT make excuses and be apologists for liars-EVER.
    YOU are all that is WRONG with this country because your standards are so low.
    God help any children that may have had the misfortune of being born to someone like you, who approves of dishonesty and incompetence. It's very disturbing to think that people like you may be raising children.

  12. sounds pretty liberal to me. "I don't like what you have to say so you should be silenced" first amendment for everybody except for those who disagree with me. LOSER IDIOT!!!

  13. LOL-Take you peace be with you and shove it where the sun doesn't shine. You need the peace. If you hate this blog so much then don't visit.
    It's obvious it's tearing you up, making you angry as hell other wise you wouldn't be bothered to make this comment.

  14. The one thing that I don't like on this blog is the censorship. You should publish ALL of the comments, if you don't want to publish bad words, then redact them, but freedom of speech is the cornerstone of a free country. Your censorship of comments, slams in the face of your followers.

  15. Gerald, YOU are about the most RACIST S.O.B. I've seen here on the Shore and IF you think I'm going to publish your comments you are a fool.

    If you don't like the fact that I refuse to publish your CRAP, go somewhere else. Better yet, create your own RACIST Blog and see how many followers you get.

  16. File that complaint under "the truth hurts" section.
    Or as John Wayne once said, "life is hard, but it's much harder when you're stupid".

  17. The funny thing is, in typical low IQ liberal fashion this commenter attacks instead of showing why we should have respect and not disdain for this president.
    This person is the one who need the "peace" because their frustrations are showing big time. They don't like the message but instead of refuting it, they attack the messenger.
    This is the true sign of someone who intellectually handicapped.
    Let's just hope this person doesn't have a hand in raising children. Anyone who excuses dishonesty is severely lacking in the most important parenting skill there is.

  18. aww poor baby -

    you are right Joe does not always post comments he disagrees with BUT he reads them, and mainly when one writes a criticism, Joe is the to whom one is writing, so it matters not.

    I love this blog, but if by chance I didn't want to read it, the "X" in my upper hand corner is White. Does that work the same as the Red "X"?

  19. Dear Liberal,
    I am a Republican and I am Conservative. I don't agree with everything Mr. Albero puts on his Blog nor do I agree with everyone who posts on his Blog. I would suspect that's one of the reasons this blog is so successful is the varied opinions and ideas people here express. That sound like a violation of 1st Amendment Rights to you? It probably does because it is so unfortunate that the Liberals and some on the Right as well have gone so far off the only thing they now govern by is ideologies which is ruining this country and it is the Liberal faction that's leading the charge. I personally hope you continue to post here not only is it good for a laugh or two but it strengthens my beliefs as a Conservative. On the other side of that if you hit the big red x not likely you'll be missed.

    1. Obama Crooked Mulato BastardoOctober 6, 2014 at 2:44 PM

      Dear Liberal,
      I'm an Independent and I agree 100% with the comment of 10:08. This fall it will be a 1st time I will be voting for Republican Candidates. They are not perfect but I have seen what your Democrat Party has done in this country and in the state of Maryland. These so called leaders of Democrats ran on the platform of Change 8 years ago and we all thought it was the change for better - instead we got CHANGE FOR WORSE. And when you ask for respect, let me just say this - If This Is the Self Proclaimed The Most Transparent Administration in History, how come THEIR PERSONAL FILES ARE SEALED FROM PUBLIC FOR 8 YEARS NOW? Are We Going To Hear Another Excuse from the man who said "You Can Keep Your Insurance and Your Doctor"?!

  20. I think Salisbury News is pretty fair about posting opposing points of view.

    This comment is not meant for the original poster as it is beyond their grasp. Hopefully it may benefit some others. The subtlety that the mainstream media continually uses to mislead the public is the sinister and dangerous truth.

    From Truth Revolt:

    "Anyone watching Sunday's broadcast of 'Face the Nation' on CBS did not hear critical comments about President Obama from Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Those were edited out and sequestered to CBS's website, leaving only the positive comments aired."

    'Face the Nation? Who even watches 'Face the Nation? Political junkies, Beltway Insiders, oh, and liberal newspaper columnists. But even they're not entitled to the truth.

    Channeling Jack Nicholson: "THE TRUTH, YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!"

    Liberals control too much of the narrative.

  21. What a misguided example of a person.
    Respect is earned-Period end of story! If you own mother didn't have the decency to teach you that then I will.
    No where in this rambling comment does the person point out one reason why Obama should be respected. Amazing!
    And let me tell you something else so listen up-anyone who doesn't have disdain for such a liar has some very serious issues that they need to deal with.
    So instead of coming here and lecturing get your own life in order and stop being an excuse maker for a liar because when you make excuses then you are a far far worse person than the one doing the lying.

  22. It all goes to your upbringing. I have a married sibling, life long democrat, O'mally, Obama supporter.
    Not anymore. They in good conscience can not support Brown for governor.
    This is because we as a family were raised with a sense of what is right and what is wrong, a moral sense and an inner voice.
    This voice tells them that they can not accept the dishonesty that flows out of the democrat party even though they were life long big democrat supporters.
    They can not accept the "today" only attitude of the democrats with no regard for their children and their grandchild. We weren't raised to ignore our children's futures and throw them aside like they are trash and not to be taken into account and this is what the democrats are doing.

  23. Dearest liberal poster, this may prove or disprove your theory, but here goes. Being a life-long registered democrat progressive liberal, I feel your pain but feel you need an education. Salisbury news is a fantastic source for local up to the minute news and information. I applaud Joe for that. On the other hand the comments are what they are. You are swimming in a shorebilly backwater riddled with unwaivering backwards logic which basically feeds itself into a frenzy. I personally embrace it for what it is and usually find myself laughing aloud at the pure unadulterated stupidity of these morons. My advice is that posting is pointless anyways. Your opinions although probably logical, rational, and backed by science would be better served being spoken to farm animals. Just enjoy to babble and appreciate the only souce for local news.

  24. I am glad Joe allows us to post comments as anonymous.

    Otherwise many of us could not make comments.

    Way to go Joe

  25. All joking aside, please don't tell the Sheriff we put a GUN to your head and FORCED you to come here. If you'll leave your name and address we'll be happy to send you a complimentary helmet including a face guard for the Short Bus you travel in.

    Now that is some funny shit right there, I don't care who you are. lol

  26. 12:22.....".....swimming in a shorebilly backwater riddled with with unwaivering backwards logic.....".
    "...unadulterated stupidity of these morons." Why are you still in this haven of idiots?????
    Would those comments include the numerous millionaires on the Eastern shore who WORKED and EARNED their MONEY (and it wasn't by being "moronic").
    I suspect that your IQ and assets are both in the double digit range.
    Because some opinions differ from your elite and erudite views doesn't make them "hillbilly", or "stupid".
    It just makes them more in tune with reality.
    I urge you to move to say, Washington, D.C, where they have thousands of geniuses like you.
    You could find happiness amongst those who also think the rest of us are mentally deficient, illogical, amusing in our naïve stupidity, and in need of leadership and control by people much smarter than we eastern shore hillbillies could ever hope to be.
    And finally, I would (if I were you) try to hold off on the "liberal progressive democrat" description of yourself --- considering the demonstrable damage your party has done to the Social Security system, the national debt, immigration, our standing in the world, and your unwavering support of the MOST inexperienced and buffoonish man to EVER lead the most powerful country on the planet.
    I know--- $17 trillion in debt was BUSH'S fault. Eastern shore animals just don't understand math, right?
    I guess THAT'S backed by "science,", huh?

  27. I don't like your opinion about Joe's blog, and wish you would just stfu, BUT, that is not how things work in OUR society. We have this thing called the Bill of Rights and in it includes the right to freedom of speech.

    So, no more than I can restrict you speech, what makes you think you can restrict Joe's or anyone else's?

    Get back with me tomorrow when you have that figured out.

  28. Imclain the drones are still hovering.

  29. It's your blog so you can post what you want, right? It's WBOC's website and tv channel, they can post what they want, right? Or do the rules don't apply. I dare you to post this and respond! Guess what? I'll even sign my name unlike all these other wusses!

  30. WTF do drones have to do with $17 TRILLION in debt?
    And just for refutation, if you don't think drones are being used to monitor citizens in the USA, then you also probably think it's "tin foil hat" crazy to think the NSA records every form of electronic communications by EVERY citizen --- every one (4th amendment be damned) --- and no one is secretly tried and sent to secret prisons in the USA.
    And the FBI NEVER breaks into a citizen's home without a warrant.
    And no reporter is EVER jailed for failing to tell a judge who his source was....
    Take your blinders off and remove your earplugs. You are about 30 years behind current events.
    Keep cheering, though.
    Try using your name next time for some credibility. Or, at least, to show you're man enough to insult someone without hiding behind "anonymous".
    You sissy.

  31. LOL 12:22. How about we debate intelligently? This shorebilly will take you on right here and now and one thing is for certain-You will not win because you and your kind will never match wits with me. That is a fact. I'll give you the public slapdown of a lifetime. I dare you to take me on.
    I can see it in your comment. Not an intelligent thought in your pea brain. Attack attack attack is all you people can do because you can't stand hearing the truth.
    So right here and now let's start by having you name one successful democratic policy implemented by the Obama admin and/or the democrat members of Congress in the past 6 years.
    Hmmmmm...wonder if we will hear from you again. I doubt it. Ignorant SOB's like you only know how to attack.

  32. lmclain, we are dealing with a complete ignoramus. They haven't the intelligence to argue your comment intelligently and with facts so they attack with the drone nonsense. They think this makes them sound clever.
    They are showing their true colours- Intellectually challenged.
    So how about that debt 1:42. Show us what you are made of and answer with a comment that addresses the real issues. I guess in your mind you think you are being cute, but you are not. Let's get this debate going!

  33. One thing I'll nip in the bud right here and now---- and educate the low information people,---- is the Blame Bush for the economy tactic.
    The poor economy is the result of the democrats who held both Houses of Congress when President Bush was in office. President Bush warned of the impending collapse of Fannie and Freddie and called for hearings but was overruled by Congress.
    Dem Barney Franks famous words "These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis."
    Well yes they were and President Bush was correct. This was the cause and the beginning of the economic meltdown.

  34. Democrat/liberal and progressive shouldn't be used in the same sentence. Democrats are far from being progressive as all their policies cause us to regress.
    The above comment mentioning "backed by science" has me rolling my eyes and laughing out loud at to how unformed this poster is. It is as if they just crawled out from under a rock, unaware of how it works in the real world. I would suggest they trot on up to Capital Hill and stomp around awhile to learn how things work.
    I guess they are eluding to studies. Everyone knows how studies work except for 12:22. Let me educate you 12:22. You are in dire need and passing on my knowledge will benefit you greatly as it has others. You won't ever again spout nonsense hopefully and save yourself the embarrassment if and when you come in contact with intellectually superiour persons like myself.
    We won't even go into studies commissioned but will focus on "independent" studies.
    Any and all results gleamed from any study has to be "approved" by the "owner" of the product/service, etc. If they don't like the results, they can prevent the results from becoming public info using the trade secret laws. The government has allowed these laws to be used loosely for this purpose.

  35. Whomever wrote this comment is extremely lacking in the moral department. It's a shame their parents failed them so badly.
    For anyone to respect and not have disdain for someone who lies so much is pitiful beyond decent people's belief. Not just obamacare which turned into a big huge lie but other things like Benghazi.
    What kind of upbringing did this person have to respect a liar. It's very very sad that people are brought up this way and speaks volumes to what poor parents they had or have. And yes, unfortunately people like this with no morals and who do not value honesty will be raising another generation of children who won't be any better.
    I am sorry if this comment sounds harsh but I can't have respect for this poster's opinion because they expect others to respect a dishonest person. I am not a follower and just because someone is a president does not impress me. I have high expectations and someone must earn respect from me.

  36. I am not a follower and just because someone is a president does not impress me. I have high expectations and someone must earn respect from me.

    October 6, 2014 at 4:17 PM

    Yes you are, lol. And, you should automatically respect others without them having to 'earn' it.

    It should be freely given and THEN earned to KEEP it. Understand?

  37. What a liberal fool.do you think liberal news will put the republican comments or anything that doesn't support a liberal democratic view point? You don't have a clue.

  38. 8:48 so liberal media represents the conservatives. Dumb@$$

  39. Apparently the reader is finding some info that's useful to them here or they would discontinue hitting the link and reading the posts. Once again -- it's the "It's not my fault I did something" mentality that runs so prevalent in our world today. Dear Liberal reader, get a clue. If you can't take the blog then don't read it. It's YOUR decision to come here. It's YOUR decision to keep coming here. Grow up. Get a clue and for God's sake, get a life. Cheers!


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