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Sunday, October 12, 2014

Chamber of Commerce May Have Given Conway Questions In Advance, AGAIN

Right now the Chamber of Commerce in Salisbury is hosting yet another forum between candidate Norm Conway and Carl Anderton.

Funny how Norm Conway is reading SCRIPTED answers and Anderton is not. 

This organization can no longer be trusted and let me assure you, this is coming from a candidate who was OFFERED the questions in advance but I refused. 

UPDATE: Carl Anderton is eating Norm Conway alive. You people need to familiarize yourselves with this young man. I have stated for many years now, Anderton is the future of politics for the Eastern Shore and today he is absolutely proving it. It looks like the Conway/Mathias run is pretty much over.


  1. Norm just needs to take his pension/retirement check and go eat...Oh, yeah, he already does that!

  2. If he is reading from a script why wont Anderton bring it up and make him look like a fool .?

  3. Brown had scripted answers from notecards as well. It's because democrats tell so many lies that they have to write down what they said previously so they don't say something different at the debates.
    The only thing voters need to remember is that democrats are proficient ONLY at lying. Their policies have proved time and time again to be failures. Every area that's been under democrat control for generations is nothing more than a cess pool of crime and poverty.

  4. Conway's a "dees dems and does" kind of person. He sounds like he was dragged out of the worst crime ridden white trash trailer park there is.
    His family should be embarrassed to let him out in public.
    It's clear to see why the US education system is so bad with "educators" like him.

  5. 8:51 Anderton is an honorable man who won't stoop to those levels. Anyone canread scripted answers . What we need in MD are people who can think on their feet and get creative with resolving issues that face us regularly. MD politics have been scripted for many years and we all can see where that has gotten us. Conway has lost sight of us on the shore and panders to his buddies across the bridge. I was a member of the SACOC and it was a joke then and still is.

  6. Is it being recorded?

  7. Kind of like the teachers who teach primarily the answers to the tests, so their school will pass the requirements..

  8. Norm it's time to retire!

    We need younger people in
    office with good memories
    so they remember what they've
    done & said!

  9. Thanks Joe for covering this do you have a video I can post to the GOP Victory Center Page....Great post of coverage at the debate at ocean city also good job !!

  10. Shame on the chamber, the dems and all that support them.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Is it being recorded?

    October 9, 2014 at 9:39 AM

    Yes it will be on PAC 14, be on the look out.

  12. Not a surprise that Jeremy Cox piece was not based on what actually was said. Carl never said that he is a "podunk Mayor" he said "my opponent probably sees me as a podunk Mayor". He also never said anything like,"the state's taxes and spending need to be reined in before giving other types of job-creation a try."

    His whole platform was jobs. He even gave DETAILS on 2 different jobs plans, which depending upon who won the governor's race. Cox covered none of that. It was a terrible piece of blatantly slanted "journalism". But what do I know? I was there.

  13. Just look at the picture. Norman has his reading glasses sitting right on top of his notes. I was there and I kid you not, Norman had 5 minutes for each answer and he used up each of his 5 minutes reading his answers and at least twice he went over his time limit and the time keeper from the SACC didn't do anything to stop him.

  14. Poor Norman!! He was out of his league on this one. I wonder if Josh Hastings will still idolize Norman Conway and Jim Mathias.

  15. unfortunately, there was a technical problem with the recording and this debate will not be on PAC14. Interviews of the candidates can be viewed at www.youtube.com/thePAC14 in the One On One Political Playlist.

  16. and who is shocked that something showing norms lies uncovered is having a "technical problem" .....

  17. Carl clearly won that debate.

    I watched the faces of Conway's paid staffers. By the end of it they were hanging their heads in shame and trying to give fake smiles. It was the fakest thing that I have seen since Michael Jackson kissed Lisa Marie Presley on that awards show.

  18. i was honestly impressed by carl during that debate, I will never see him as a "podunk mayor". He showed me that we can use him in Annapolis

  19. Norm was reading from a prepared statement and Carl still gave more out more data points and facts. I think team Conway totally underestimated Carl and they're probably hoping that Carl is overstating the truth when he says he's knocked on 5,000 doors. If Carl has knocked on that many doors with that sort of passion then Norm is toast. Start planning your third retirement party Norm.

  20. today i watched one candidate try to hang on to past "glory" and i saw another candidate show passion like i didnt expect. wow!! voted for norm in 2006 and 2010 will not in 2014!

  21. So Jeremy Cox and Pac14 incompetence are coming to the rescue of a Democrat. No way! Totally unbelievable that the Daily Times and Pac14 would do that!

    Let me ask this question: Phil Tilghman gives money to Democrats running for office. How does Pac14 still allow him to interview people running for any office? He is obviously biased.

    As for the Daily Times they have a long track record of Democrat activism. They will say something nice about Carl. Something that won't hurt Norm's chances. And then endorse Norm. There is no doubt in my mind. They'll probably do the same for Mathias.

    Hey Daily Times, I know you are reading this. Shock us all and prove me wrong.


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