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Sunday, October 12, 2014

America, No Longer The Greatest Country On Earth


  1. Where does their effluency come from?? SOMEBODY is footing the bill. Could it be the US taxpayer??

  2. Sorry - I don't want to live there....to accomplish their 'greatness' they tax their people fairly heavily in order to pay for all of the 'free' stuff. Couldn't find an apples-to-apples set of numbers to compare, but it looks like they're getting hit harder than we are.

    Work 33 hours and pay up to 50% in taxes - takes your $20/hr and 'rapes' it to $10/hr.....

  3. Not at all hard to understand why they are happy. 7:35 AM, still $10 an hour is a heck of a lot more than a lot of people right here make every day.

  4. It's the home of "lego", isn't it??

  5. 50% taxes, Subsidized health care (long waits for important tests)... and if you think our criminals have it made... you should see the penthouses they put their filth in. 5 star accommodations.

  6. he highest local income tax in 2009 is 27.80% and the lowest is 22.70%

    The regional health care tax is 8%

    This base land value is taxed at between 1.6 and 3.4% in 2013

    All income from employment or self-employment is taxed at 8% before income tax.

    Income below DKK 42,800 (USD 7,600) (2014-level, adjusted annually) is income tax-free, but subject to the gross tax.

  7. Denmark has the world's highest taxes. Groceries are even taxed to the tune of 25%-Yes you read that correctly 25%. Most all other goods and services are taxed at 25%.
    People are taxed just over 60% on wages.
    So if you do make $20/hr. you take home just under $8 for ever hour you work.
    To say all these things are "free" is misleading and actually much more costly than what we pay here because the Danes are paying for a huge government bureaucracy to oversee these social programs.
    On another note, if you marry a Dane, and want a Visa to live in Denmark you have to speak Danish and your spouse has to put up a $10,000 bond.
    Lot's of alcohol abuse also. Enough to have the World Health Organization concerned and it is known as the Cancer Capital of the World. This due to the fact that health care as we know it does not exist. You do not because it's virtually impossible visit doctor until after you are sick and when it's too late for some treatments or they are just not available at the time.
    If you are extremely wealthy it's a decent place to live, but if you are middle class you aren't given much value other than being a tax payer.

  8. 9:10, Let's just take a quick look at YOUR taxes here, shall we.

    Average Americans are taxes 35% of their pay.

    Then you have taxes on groceries, liquor, cigs, gas and the list goes on and on and on.

    Oh, let's NOT forget property tax, City tax, County Tax, room tax.

    By the time all is said and done, don't be a fool, you are in an 80% tax bracket right here in America.

    Just because it's broken up shows that most Americans are simply clueless or plain stupid.

  9. Joe, SMACK that ace!
    EVERY product you purchase has been taxed many times by the time you get it, and THEN it's taxed again as a possession or asset.
    Our country is SO much better for it and so are the citizens.
    But, YOUR guy has nothing to do with it. he's fighting tooth and nail with every ounce (or tenth of an ounce) of integrity he has, but he's going to need some more bribes, um, I mean "campaign contributions" to do that. Where they come from is not his concern, but he needs to spend MOST of his time, not representing the people, but scrounging for more bribes.
    Keep cheering.

  10. 9:10 - So what is your reasoning for Denmark's people being the happiest?

  11. 9:42 - cuz they're stupid socialists....just like we have a majority of votes cast here....

  12. lmclain, There are so many hidden taxes 99% of Americans are simply not aware of and THEY/WE are paying for it.

    When it comes to small business, the rent and or purchase of the buildings these companies are filling pay HUGE taxes. That is ALL incorporated in the price you pay when you buy their product.

    When you order things on line and delivery companies charge special FUEL charges, again, you/we pay the price.

    Call it fees, call it taxes, call it whatever you like. Until someone comes along and starts REEDUCATING the American public, people will simply get used to paying these fees/taxes and ultimately America will fail.

    American politics need to hit ROCK BOTTOM and guess what, we're nowhere even close. When elections can be rigged and Liberals call people like me, "crazy" for even suggesting such, America has already lost/failed.

    Why not PROVE or CREATE a system that absolutely proves the system can't be tampered with? Nah, that's too easy and Americans have become too lazy or stupid to demand such a thing.

    The bottom line is, Americans are taxed through the roof, unless you are a billionaire or better. College Students are forking up to $60 billion in profits for student loans to pay big corporations discounts on taxes.

    Agree with me or not, are YOU better off TODAY then you were 10 years ago? There might be a very select few that say yes but in all reality you and I know the real truth. The answer is NO. Just look on a local level. Wicomico County/Salisbury have LOST jobs for more than 20 straight months. The population keeps growing leaps and bounds, (thank you ECI) crime keeps going UP, (yet your leaders tell you its getting better) your taxes have INCREASED each and every year, (even though your property value keeps going down) and people here just might be STUPID enough to vote for people like Mathias and Pollitt.

    Americans are, (in my opinion) flat out stupid and lazy any more. If they open their eyes and start holding these leaders accountable, if they call them out on their LIES, perhaps things might change. However, let's look at ACCOUNTABILITY for just a second.

    How about that BOE Gift Card Spending. How about Rick Pollitt's spending/expenses in the Executives Office. That's MINOR stuff. The BOE keeps asking for MORE money every year and Pollitt not only gives it to them, hell, he gives them MORE then what they ask for. The BOE doesn't want to just feed all students breakfast, they want to feed these kids lunch too, ALL OF THEM.

    Where does it end??? I'll tell you where it ends. It ends with YOUR VOTE. My God, YOU finally have the power to make a positive difference and the MAJORITY of residents don't even get off their ass to vote.

    America is in deep doo doo and IF we don't start getting more Americans excited about the FREEDOM we have to VOTE, America is doomed.

    It should be MANDITORY that EVERY citizen PARTICIPATE in our FREEDOM PROCESS while millions of Americans DIED to give YOU that right.

  13. Taxes in denmark are about 95%. They are now giving special benefits to people to have more children because people are retiring and there is not enough young coming into the work force to support their socialist system. The retires are living on a government pension but most are moving to spain to enjoy better weather further straining their monetary system. It's a house of cards bound to collapse.


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