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Thursday, September 18, 2014

What Might Have Been

From Slope of Hope: Well, here we are again. On Wednesday, an elderly dwarf will capture the attention of the entire financial world as she bleats out whatever she and her minions believe will shore up the house of cards they have created. In a sane and just world, the aforementioned bridge troll would be an untenured economics professor at a mid-tier liberal arts college, but as it is now, Yellen is one of the most powerful humans (more or less) on the planet.

We are six years...........six.........years..........into this madness, and it shows no sign of stopping. Why should it? After all, statists and central planners have been doing a bang-up job of making the rich richer (which, in spite of the weary "dual mandate" trotted out in front of a smirking Congress, appears to be the only true raison d'etre behind the Federal Reserve).

What if it had gone differently? What if, six years ago, in the throes of the financial crisis, the political leaders in D.C. had decided that enough was enough, and they were going to seize the opportunity to make real and meaningful positive changes? (OK, stop laughing; seriously, stop it; I'm trying to write a post here; bear with me, because this is a fantasy piece, after all). So instead of doing what they did, just imagine with me events more along these lines:



  1. Buy more bullets while you can!!

  2. How narcissistic (or naïve)can an American be to write such an article? The US is a very small player in a very large game.If one was to take the aforementioned seriously one would think the US calls all of the shots and controls the worlds economy.Admittedly,Obama has done as much damage as one man can possibly do,but anyone with an open mind can see that his decisions are not entirely his own.The globalist elite are more obvious now than they have ever been,at least in my lifetime.They play a large role in who succeeds and who fails.


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