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Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Maciarello changed the charges today, from obstructing and hindering to failure to obey a lawful order. 

They knew they couldn't prove the original charges so now, 5 months later, they come up with something new.

The Mayor doesn't want to eat crow and lose the case because HE MUST PROVE JOE ALBERO AND THE COURT OF PUBLIC OPINION WRONG, so change the rules mid stream. 

I guess when you are so used to changing Part 1 crimes to Part 2 and part 2 crimes to part 3 and so forth and so on, now we can just expect our States Attorneys Office to change the CHARGES after 5 months. 

I'm sorry Folks, is this still called the United States of America? It sure feels like the USSR.


  1. Interesting move. Can't the plaintiffs still move forward with their original suit even though this has been changed?

  2. Its time for Maciarello to go and thank God Duncan is on the way out.

  3. Good going Salisbury...protect our police officers. You repeatedly fuss about a drug problem, get rid of the police officers and see what happens!!! Listen to an order from a police officer and NO PROBLEM...run your mouth and yet get what you are asking far...face to pavement.

  4. I'm sorry but what did they change it to? Plus, how can they change it? map.

  5. You no longer have my support nor my vote Maciarello. I was on the fence with how you handled the shooting at the MSP barracks....but this takes the cake!!!!

  6. I have news for you and your readers. We haven't been better than the USSR in some time. On my 2nd daughter in law and first grandson. Just look around you and take note how a political party is being served not the citizen. New politians learn quickly that it's the party they work for.


  7. and cops and the like deserve and demand respect...

    they can have the respect off the bottom of my shoe...

    I told you and told you and told you this was happening and would continue...

    OH NO... I am just stupid and running off at the mouth and no nothing of what I speak... Yet I am always right... I like being right all the time but at the same time I hate it because this is your damned city and county and country and you all don't give two shits about it...

    AND I can not wait when the econ falls out and you all have nothing left... too late to care then don't you think?

  8. I would still like to know what is and what is not a lawful order? At what point do I not have to obey an officers request? This is a bs charge because the confrontation is usually one on one so the police can say anything they because their word carries more weight than yours!

  9. The original charges were "obstructing and hindering" and they have now been changed to "failure to obey a lawful order".

  10. I have a question? Why? As I see it the charges were changed only after the law suit was filed. How can that be done?

  11. Another example of corrupt Democratic leadership.

  12. 4:49
    When we lived in a Constitutional Republic we were all (all people) considered sovereigns.

    Police only responded when one sovereign asked them for assistance against another sovereign.

    Statutory Law did not exist back then. Only in England. Statutes were edicts issued by the King (a sovereign).

    Now we live in a new world order.
    We must obey and serve the police. We are not sovereign.

  13. Joe what do we need to do to bring the Feds in to investigate the corruption at SPD?

  14. The actual charge is failure to obey the lawful or reasonable order of a police officer. While we may not like it the student probably did just that. As far as demanding respect, a good police officer does not demand respect for himself, just the law. A good police earns respect.


  16. I'm wondering which "Lawful Order" he failed to follow; the one to leave the area and be on your way, or the one that was come back here.

    He couldn't obey both of them; no one can.

    Drop that stupid charge as well.

  17. Good reasoniimg 638.those orders are too hard to understand

  18. Here is an example of an unlawful order... When I was walking and Wicomico County deputy Howard Phillips demanded me to tell him my name. There is no law in Maryland that a citizen is required to tell a police officer their name. State of Delaware DOES have a law that requires one to state their name to a police officer.

    You can make someone odey a law when the law doesn't exist.

    Got it?

  19. No, I haven't got it, 7:07. If you are saying that when you were in Maryland, and Maryland law does not require you to give your name to an officer, then the becomes an unlawful order, and the interaction is ended there.

    And, if Delaware has a law that requires you to supply your name when requested by a LEO, then it IS a lawful order.

    I see no common sense in your comment.

  20. Great job duncan, that's two departments you've destroyed now, which one is next?

  21. Ya'll don't understand what a States Attorney does. He examines the evidence and goes from there. He obviously sees only the one charge as being credible, so that's what he is doing. He does not work for the queer Mayor just so you know. I have had dealings with Matt prior to his becoming States Attorney here locally and he is a decent man. Does that mess up a lawsuit or 2? Oh well.

  22. 6:38 Good observation, wondered the same thing myself.

    7:52 7:07's comment is clear to me can't see why you have trouble understanding it.

  23. I understand the comment about feeling like the USSR, but it's hyperbole, an exaggeration. In the former USSR, the student would have been beaten bloody with saps and nightsticks, then thrown into what was little better than a dungeon to wait for charges. While waiting he would have been robbed of his wallet and shoes, sexually assaulted and beaten again. Oh, yeah - no phone call.

  24. Matt is all about PR and covering his a$$. I've known him for a long time and this is typical of his backroom way of doing things.

  25. I know of no law that a cop can make you stop, change directions and walk to him. It's a bs charge and one they will not prove in a court of law. But they will waste more taxpayer dollars for a sham trial, if it gets that far.

    If they were smart they would drop this charge as well, and settle the lawsuit. But it's not THEIR money they will be wasting and paying out after they lose yet again.

  26. The problem with states attorneys is that they have the legal right to act as the judge and jury. They can "not" charge someone that they know is guilty and simply say they didn't think they had enough evidence to get a conviction and there is nothing that can be done about that. We saw that happen many time with Davis Ruark when it was perfectly clear that there was an abundance of evidence to convict. On the other hand they can overcharge someone for a simple violation of the law. Their power really needs to be reigned in and they need to be called out on there abuse of power. Good work on this one Joe.

  27. SPD has been corrupt and covered up corruption for years now. The cops who stay there are the ones that are corrupt and do the covering up.

  28. This type of charge changing is nothing new. It happens all of the time in all of the states.
    So what!!

  29. Matt is a puppet and from what I hear he is best friends with Duncan. 939 is right Matt covers his ass! What shocks me is that he is running up opposed because from what I hear if anyone in the his office decides to run they are fired immediately. Hello Davis ruark! Once again joe and Salisbury news only organization holding Salisbury accountable!

    Btw Salisbury law enforcement including states attorney needs a reckoning! What they get away with is shocking!

  30. Duncan has been doing plenty of sniffing around other agencies. Stay away or better yet go back to NY and take Matt with you.

  31. That's why crime is down in Salisbury. They either drop the charges, reduced the charges or don't charge at all.

    Matt and Barb, thanks for giving into dropping the charges. I am sure this will help the lawsuit against the city. My taxes just went up again.

  32. I have heard Duncan is leaving for over a year when is this really to take place anyone know?

    1. She is looking for another police force to ruin?

  33. "Blogger JoeAlbero said...
    The original charges were "obstructing and hindering" and they have now been changed to "failure to obey a lawful order"."

    Joe if the charge was Obstructing and Hindering than this must be referring to the guy that was charged filming the arrest.

    If that is the case then by dropping the Obstructing and hindering charge they cannot claim they gave him a lawful order.

    Basically your allowed to record police unless your obstructing or hindering an arrest or investigation.

    By dropping the charges they are now admitting that he was not obstructing or hindering their arrest and therefore his recording was legal.

    If his recording was legal then they would not have been able to give him a lawful order to stop recording in the first place.

  34. 7:07, you must be the drunk that they arrested at Winterplace Park going up to the vendors drunk demanding their buisness license and then fought with the cops. Oh yeah and then got fired from your job. You are the ones that sounds the one in the wrong. Isn't it time to face that you made the mistake, the wrong doing and not the cops.

  35. Citizens of Pittsville are hoping the S/A's office is doing things properly as they have a huge interest in what Matt does with the $150,000.00 plus theft case from the Town's checking and credit card accounts.

  36. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    This type of charge changing is nothing new. It happens all of the time in all of the states.
    So what!!

    September 18, 2014 at 5:02 AM

    The so what is, they were so sure about the charges that they would not settle a lawsuit. Instead, the mayor said he looked forward to taking it to court.

    Maybe now they not so sure of themselves and an outcome in court. That's SO WHAT.

  37. This town is being driven into the ground by repeated policies of failure and inaction. The talking heads continue their hindsight rhetoric of their intentions, omitting the disastrous results that are apparent for all to see. Until the people on the eastern shore refuse to keep accepting these steps towards an unrecoverable future, then the same results will continue to happen. Again and again. Wake up and do something people! Or keep babbling online about the problems. If you want things to change then it's not going to be easy, but staying this course will only spell an unmitigated train wreck in our community.

  38. Wake up and do something people! Or keep babbling online about the problems. If you want things to change then it's not going to be easy, but staying this course will only spell an unmitigated train wreck in our community.

    September 18, 2014 at 10:26 AM

    Why don't you start, instead of babbling online.

    1. This is what happens when you have unqualified leadership at the helm.

    2. Spoken like a presumptuous keyboard warrior who knows didley about the efforts of others. Bravo Mr Foolishly Uninformed.

  39. I seen her walking out a certain agency. Little bird said she provided some documents of her background.

  40. Duncan sure has been spending a lot of time hanging around Salisbury University. Don't think she would blend in well with college students. Maybe Aita would go with her.

  41. Anonymous 8:35:

    I have heard Duncan is leaving for over a year when is this really to take place anyone know?

    LOL. This is my favorite rumor. As an insider, I can assure you... not a freakin chance. She's here to stay - and that's a good thing.

  42. Amen 253!!
    Only an idiot would want her to leave. Or someone on the wrong side of the law. Or both.


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