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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Thousands of Illegal Immigrants Enrolled in Obamacare

Thousands of illegal immigrants have been allowed to illicitly enroll in and receive taxpayer-funded healthcare benefits from Obamacare.

Sen. David Vitter, R-La, has blasted the administration and sent a letter to Marilyn Tavenner, administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), demanding action on eliminating illegal aliens enrolled in the Affordable Care Act, the Washington Times reports.

"The Obama administration is bending over backwards to give Obamacare to illegal immigrants but won’t protect hardworking American citizens who are losing their healthcare coverage," Vitter told the Times.

"The Obama administration has been granting deadline extensions, making excuses and turning a blind eye to falsified documents by illegal immigrants.

"Enough is enough, and they need to provide answers to why they think illegal immigrants should be eligible for Obamacare."



  1. All of these illegals should be charged with fraud. After they're convicted, sentence them to confinement at hard labor...sell their labor at housing and feeding cost so taxpayers don't have to pay for their criminal activities....

  2. 9:47 I agree. And, you can start right off with Obama because he said no illegals would be covered. However he has lied about everything else.

  3. Not hiring them would help in reducing their presence in this country. Anyone or any company hiring them gives them reason to stay.

  4. What a contry,you no work they give you money,you need doctor they give free card to see doctor,you need place to live thay give you place to live. They give me cell phone,I call all my relatives in Maheco they come soon.

  5. Correct, unfortunately as a tax payer I'm paying for it in addition to my own health care, got to love being a citizen.

  6. look at your Chicken plant in Harbeson Delaware; off Route 5...

    They would mess with USA Citizen employees if you heckled the Illegals working there....

    In fact, their HR Director has taken vacations with funds from the illegals, MS-13 and such....check it out LAW ENFORCEMENT..


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