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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Stash Your Trash Make-a-Heron Contest

What: Work with the City of Salisbury and Wicomico County’s “Stash Your Trash” campaign to host a Make-a-Heron sculpture, whereby teams will create a life size heron sculpture out of recyclable and found objects.
The public will vote on the winning sculpture at the November 3rd Friday downtown; the Salisbury Area Chamber of Commerce will award the sculpture to the “greenest business” to be passed on every few months to promote the anti-litter campaign.

Why:Last spring the City of Salisbury and Wicomico County started a “Stash Your Trash” campaign to clean up our streets and waterways. Also last spring, a Salisbury University student designed the logo and this fall we hope our Make-a-Heron contest will raise public awareness about the need to keep our environment clean.

When: September: Form a team, plan your design, gather materials
October and Early November: build your Heron!
Sat, Oct, 25 – Make-a-Heron workshop at ENVR house
Sat Nov 8 – Make-a-Heron workshop at ENVR house
Fri Nov 21 – Deliver your sculpture downtown for judging

What can you do?
Sign up so we can keep you informed about the contest: Email Bill Nelson at wanelson@salisbury.edu
Talk to your friends and form a team
Start brainstorming
Start creating!

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