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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Report Outlines Climate Change, Sea Level Rise Consequences

OCEAN CITY — An independent study released this week on climate change and sea level rise in Maryland, including Worcester County and Ocean City, paints a rather ominous picture of the potential for severe coastal flooding in low-lying areas in the near future.

Climate Central, an independent team of climate change and sea level rise scientists, released its report entitled “Maryland and the Surging Sea,” essentially a vulnerability assessment with projections for sea level rise and coastal flood risk. According to the report, the most likely “moderate” sea level rise scenario would put properties and residents within five feet of the high tide line at the greatest risk.

Under the moderate sea level rise scenario, much of the state would be at risk within the next 60 years. In coastal areas along the Lower Shore, that number drops to as low as the next 20 years.



  1. I like the words "PROJECTION", "MOST LIKELY", "WOULD BE" used in this **study**. Wonder who is paying for it??? As we know, the money determines the outcome of any report, study or survey.

  2. If you remember a few years ago Al Gore said the polar ice cap would be gone by now, but both caps are larger today than they have ever been. The only difference is because of this hoax Al Gore is a billionare today

  3. The Global warming hoaxers have already been exposed as fraudsters.

  4. They don't want to debate global warming any more. And yet, there's more polar ice than ever before!

  5. It's a good thing everybody in Ocean City doesn't all go to the beach at once, or the whole island would "tip over"!

    /sarc off

  6. Just because it has been exposed as a hoax doesn't keep them from continuing the charade.. Look at His Majesty Pres Ob'. Hasn't stopped him.

  7. OMG....I just bought a 5 million dollar house there....

  8. an "independent study" LOL - I am sure however did the study is tax-exempt!

  9. its all about taxes

  10. Whale and all sorts of marine life skeletons and fossils have been found in the deserts of the world.The worldwide rise and fall of sea level has been occurring for millions of years,over and over.Why should it stop now?

  11. Let me see if I can add some perspective here.
    It's said that this old Earth has been around some 4.5 billion years and man a mere 200k. Geologic change through catastrophic event has been around 4.5 billion years and man has lived with it a mere 200k. The Earth's atmosphere has evolved and changed for 4.5 billion years from outright poisonous to humanly sustainable for 4.5 billion years, Earth's land masses have waxed and waned for 4.5 billion years. Sea levels have raised and have receded for the life time of our world. We just haven't been around to see it except in the last few thousand years.., spelled out more clearly. We can't do anything about it, it's a frolic to try, it's going to continue with or without the EPA or Obama or Al Gore or independent surveys or burning coal or contrailing the atmosphere with chemicals or anything else we humans do. We just have to live with it, and it's called Mother Nature.

  12. Good point 12:37
    The coulda woulda shoulda club seems to want to spend money 'just in case' it may happen. A study can be slanted depending on who pays the bill.


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