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Sunday, September 21, 2014

Newly-Released Video of Missile Hitting Pentagon on 9/11

This is a video of the missile hitting into the Pentagon. “Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, . FOIA request and released in a lawsuit – this video is Public Domain- War based on a lie by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz


  1. Yep! Fired from that tree covered area. Nothing before the tree area.

  2. You can obviously see it is an airplane. There are no missile's that big.

  3. The FBI showed up within "MINUTES" of the incident to confiscate the video.

    The so called attack was planned in advance by our government.

    None of the exterior videos at the Pentagon were working that day. (right)

  4. That was not a missle.... we dont have anything that big. As a previous airforce weapons specialist I can tell you without a doubt that was an airplane.

  5. 11:05 I agree. The only missile that big is an ICBM or a Saturn moon rocket. Those would be coming from above and not parallel to the ground. What is shown looks at least 5 times larger than a cruise missile.

  6. you wanna believe these 'terrorists' could fly that plane so good as to make the necessary maneuvers to do a u-turn, descend 7,000 feet, miss obstacles, maintain 20 feet above the ground and hit the building without hitting the ground? Knowing that the flight instructors said they were not skilled and did not want instruction in how to land?

    To the Air force guy, the part of the plane (planted) did not match anything Honeywell made. It did however match a JT8D Turbo from from a US Air Force A-3 Skywarrior.

    Funny how they could supposedly identify 180 passengers but the plane disintegrated. No wing or tail section damage to the building. Supposedly melted two 6 ton jet engines. Not one seat. No luggage. But they could identify all passengers.

    FBI confiscated all video, gov't and private and what they did release was edited.

    Y'all can believe that crap if you want to, but I don't and never will.

  7. 3:10PM
    I'm in the rightside seat of the cockpit with you.
    This entire episode in US history was designed and orchestrated to do exactly what it has done. Circumvent the US Constitution, rendering it to little more then toilet paper, and create the police state America has become.

    All one has to do is step back and look at America today.

    The Democratic Republic that our Forefathers created through blood, sweat and tears is in a shambles because of the Bush/Cheney administration and it's total destruction is being finalized from without and from within by the current one. It sickens me to watch as this "more perfect union" is being annihilated by ignorance, apathy and avarice.

  8. Actually your are incorrect.....I saw independent footage filmed at the inside of the pentagon and there were plenty of aircraft parts there. There isnt a missle on this planet that could have pulled off that flight path.....and yes an airplane hitting a 9 foot thick wall of concrete at nearly 600 miles an hour is not going to leave much to find.....but keep talking 310 I like a good made up story.

  9. 7:06 I don't disagree with you but the jet wouldn't have been doing 600 mph at that point. But even at 200+ mph there wouldn't be much left let alone an intact or partially intact gas turbine engine.

  10. Come on guys. The hole in the Pentagon was not large enough for the plane. There were no plane parts on the ground in front of the building.

    Where did the plane go?

  11. I've got another question, where did the plane that crashed in PA disappear to? Many a newscast quotes first responders as saying there was nothing that resembled airplane parts there. Just a big hole with metal junk in it nothing at all like an airplane crash would have left. There is just so, so much evidence that this murderous act by Bush and company was manufactured.

  12. Think a water ballooon thrown at the ground.....same idea..

  13. Unlike race cars, planes aren't designed to survive a crash at 200 mph. They are designed to be light to save fuel.

  14. 8:59: Everyone has seen the videos of the planes hitting the world trade center, but how many plane parts do you see on the ground? NONE! Because they disintegrated, along with the buildings, and all the people parts that were never found. All of the planes involved were full of fuel because they had just taken off for their destinations and hadn't consumed much of the fuel loaded on board. That made the planes BOMBS when they crashed. BOOM, everything blows up. Bombs don't ever still look like bombs after they go off. By design, they explode into a gadzillion pieces. The planes were bombs! It wasn't simply a plane crash.

  15. 10:04PM
    You have a whole lot to learn about your BOMBS, starting with the fuel. Jet A & Jet A-1 type fuel have an open air burn temperature of 1,890°F. The structural steel of the Twin Towers had a final melt temperature of 2750°F, nearly a thousand degrees difference. In fact it is doubtful that the heat generated was intense enough or lasted long enough to even begin to warp this ASTM-A-242 steel.
    AA Flight 11, a Boeing 767, which hit the North Tower has a designed range of 3,850 to 6,385 nautical miles indicating that it may not have been completely full of fuel even though it was to be a transcontinental flight. 10:04PM I could go on and on and on with fact after fact that clearly show this was a well contrived and executed act by our own gov't, most likely sanctioned and pushed forward by Dick Cheney.

  16. Anonymous said...
    Actually your are incorrect.....I saw independent footage filmed at the inside of the pentagon and there were plenty of aircraft parts there. There isnt a missle on this planet that could have pulled off that flight path.....and yes an airplane hitting a 9 foot thick wall of concrete at nearly 600 miles an hour is not going to leave much to find.....but keep talking 310 I like a good made up story.

    September 19, 2014 at 7:06 PM

    I don't think so but you can keep trying.

    You might have seen indie footage, but that was after the gov't went thru there and allowed whatever to be filmed to their liking. Have they released the confiscated security cam footage yet? Why not?

    What flight path are you referring? The one they said the plane took? You are a little confused with your thinking. A missile would not have to take that flight path.

    They can tell a plausible story. But after a preponderance of all the events and data from the other planes, there are just too many red flags.

    I will include a paragraph of a report I read discussing this flight. It has a pro-gov't stance. But at the end it still cannot make up its mind what happened. You can copy and search the paragraph if you want to read the whole thing.

    In this essay I asked what conclusions about the Pentagon attack were supported by physical evidence -- primarily post-crash photographs of the site. I found that, in every aspect I considered, this evidence comports with the crash of a Boeing 757. At the same time, the evidence does not conclusively prove that the aircraft was a 757, much less that it was Flight 77. However, that lack of conclusiveness should not be surprising given the systematic suppression of evidence by authorities.

  17. On 9/11 I saw with my own eyes on tv a jet plane flew into the pentagon. It was a very short clip, but I saw it go past some poles, a short strip of highway & into the building. This clip has disappeared, NEVER to be seen again. Apparently it only aired that one time. It was DEFINITELY an airplane. I SAW IT!

  18. The planes melted in the inferno burning jet fuel, you idiots!
    where do you suppose those passengers disappeared to after the planes "didn't crash"? Their names were taken from the airline flight manifesto since there were no remains...or very little.

  19. 9:03AM
    If the planes melted in the "inferno burning jet fuel" wouldn't there be a puddle of melted aluminum there? Did you, or anyone else for that matter, see a puddle of melted aluminum? Jet fuel has an open air burn temp of 1,890°F. Aluminum has a melt temp of 1218°F. It's entirely probable that the Al did melt however, Al wouldn't vaporize, disappear, until it reached ​4478 °F.
    As for the human remains. Modern cremation is conducted in an enclosed chamber and fired to 1800°F for approximately 2 1/2 hours. The remaining bone fragments are known as cremated remains.., remaining bone fragments. Now I ask, were these conditions even remotely approached at this crash?
    9:03AM, you are assuming far, far too much and trusting our gov't beyond that.
    There's just one more point I'd like to make.
    Every, and I mean EVERY other airplane crash in the history of aviation has left debris. Those that hit the ground at 4,5,600mph, those that hit mountains at 4,5,600mph. Every one. The FAA uses this debris to recreate and solve the mysteries of the crash. Now, on September 11, 2001 FOUR separate airplane crashes leave nearly no debris what-so-ever. Doesn't that sound a little odd to you?

  20. Their names were taken from the airline flight manifesto since there were no remains...or very little.

    September 21, 2014 at 9:03 AM

    they can't verify without evidence.

  21. That was a drone,so in a way you're all right.The angle of the video didn't show the short stubby wings,but I would guess that because of a lack of maneuverability the remote takeoff point was less than 20 miles from the Pentagon.The size and length of the drone does not suggest that it was made in the US.If anyone recalls the X-15 rocket plane the design is very similar.Definately built in Asia.Not sure where in Asia,China possibly?


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