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Saturday, September 20, 2014

North Dakota Parents Claim School is ‘Bullying’ Their Child by Making Him Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance

Liberal moonbat parents just love to use their children as political pawns to push their anti-American agenda. The latest example comes out of North Dakota, where “free thinker” parents are upset because their special snowflake had to follow the rules just like all the other kids, and stand up for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Jesse Adams, of New Town, ND, tells the Minot Daily News that school administrators violated his son’s First Amendment rights by making him stand for the pledge.

“We’re trying to raise free thinkers,” he told the newspaper.

Yes, Mr. Adams is one of those parents.

When his child continued to defy the directions of his teacher, the youngster was told to stand in the hallway for the duration of the pledge. Mr. Adams said that amounts to bullying.

… Superintendent Mark Bluestone is a military veteran and a patriot. He told the Associated Press the child was placed in the hallway to avoid disrupting other students who wondered why they could not sit during the pledge.



  1. This teacher ought to add the reading of the declaration and the Constitution to the agenda, while students are seated, of course. The liberal's kid can sit in as long as he still has to stand outside in the hall during the pledge.

    Show the reason!

    That education would benefit ALL!

  2. Stand for the Pledge or get out of this Country. PERIOD

  3. 953-Why? Hell, all it took was pinko fright to change the words to the pledge in the early 50's. Sounds like nothing much, but what'll they add next?

  4. Anonymous said...
    953-Why? Hell, all it took was pinko fright to change the words to the pledge in the early 50's. Sounds like nothing much, but what'll they add next?

    September 21, 2014 at 2:13 AM

    Because he said so Douche Bag!!

  5. A lot of liberal hating here and missing of the point. I'm a conservative and am appalled at the idea that I or anyone would be forced to swear allegiance to anything. Last time I checked, only tyrannical governments forced people to comply with compulsory pledges... Nazi Germany and North Korea come to mind. To bad THIS is the issue some mouth breather used to go on a liberal name calling rant.

    We still have liberty and freedom in this country, I think... So don't presume you can dictate to me what I have to pledge or swear to. I will not pledge allegiance to a piece of cloth or any country or any deity, but I'll defend and support freedom and liberty, and justice for all becauseTHAT is what is important. Even if it takes a moon at to remind of of it.

  6. Poor kid life will hard for this boy with parents like this.


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