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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Mom’s Home! Toddler Ignores Protocol to Run Into Soldier’s Arms

Being separated from your loved ones for months and months on end can be one of the most difficult things for military families to endure. And after a nine month deployment, one little boy decided he just couldn’t wait anymore to hug his mommy.



  1. I appreciate the service of both her and her husband, but I have to say... what lousy parents! Who has a child and then leaves the kids to pursue their own endeavors? How selfish. These parents risked the chance that this child will be left parentless. How different this picture would be if that kid was running toward not just one coffin, but two!

  2. I doubt they had a choice, when you are serving in the military, you follow orders... the question you should ask: what type of country would deploy both parents at the same time!


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