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Thursday, September 25, 2014

New ABC show 'black-ish' sure finds it weird when 'brothers start getting a little money'

If you are old enough to remember TV in the '80s, you will recall that "The Cosby Show" was a huge hit, and also a frequent source of criticism from black activists. The problem? It portrayed a black family as happy, strong and prosperous. Why would that be a problem? It was a problem for some because it didn't show this particular black family mired in "the struggle," rather focusing on the fairly normal issues associated with marriage and raising children.

In fact, the blackness of the Huxtable family was almost incidental to the plot of the show. If you'd ever had kids, or had ever been a kid, or had ever just been part of a family, you could relate to the weekly experiences of Cliff, Claire and their kids, which is why the show was so popular with all kinds of audiences. It wasn't that it was a black show per se, but rather that it was a great show.

Thirty-some years on, along comes "black-ish," which debuts tonight on ABC and deals more directly with the racial element of a similar story. This time the focus is on the conflict experienced by a black man who came from the 'hood but experiences career success and is able to provide his family with a better life as a result. The conflict, of course, stems from the notion that this kind of life . . is not really consistent with authentic blackness:



  1. "... the Johnsons are wrestling with whether their comfortable lives are causing them to forget that they’re black."

    Wrestle no more. Forget that you are black and live a good life.

  2. I have the answer if they don't feel black enough - smoke crack, don't pay your bills and hang out on a street corner all night drinking from a brown paper bag. There, is that better.

  3. i won't be watching. and incidentally... i'm a WHITE MAN and i STILL live in the "hood"!!

  4. Shocked that this show aired in the first place. It is a personal affront to educated black america. Cannot understand the point at all. The Cosby show was a very good show....this is just a comic relief for white america at the expense of black america. Scratching my head>

  5. They need to use their Obama phones on the show and also show them using their Food stamp cards!


  6. Mark me down as 'not watching-ish'!


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