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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Anthony Brown can't seem to tell the truth

The DGA and Anthony Brown want you to believe the lies…but you know better. 

After a month of being outspent 2:1 by the Democratic Governors Association and the Brown Campaign, our polling shows that this race is a dead heat!

Typically, my opponent could expect a significant bounce after running such an expensive attack ad campaign against me, but the numbers show that voters don't believe the lies. 

Marylanders want to talk about his failed record and are concerned about the future of this state!

The Brown campaign underestimated us in this race. They thought they would just
await a coronation in November. But they are in for the fight of their lives and forced to spend millions of dollars. 
Brown and the Democratic establishment has for too long taken Maryland's families for granted. They have ignored our mounting frustration with failed policies, statewide job loss, foreclosures and crippling tax burdens on families and small businesses.  BUT MARYLANDERS ARE FED UP!

Brown and the liberal left are not the solution…they are the problem. Regardless of party -- Marylanders are ready to change Maryland. 
We have just over 40 days left in the campaign and we need your help.Together we can and will build a brighter future for Maryland. 
 Thank you for your support, 

Larry Hogan

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