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Sunday, September 07, 2014

Might I Make A Suggestion On The Salisbury Police & Salisbury University Student Arrests

I have always felt it is our job here at Salisbury News to deliver news and information, many times you more than likely will not see in the local Main Stream Media.

Once we deliver such news and information Salisbury News then allows YOU the public to agree or disagree while doing so through comments.

When it comes to this highly followed topic with the SPD & SU, we have delivered what we know, documents and even video evidence. We/You are not the Judge and Jury. I see questionable actions of both the Students as well as the Officers. I understand the position of the Police and I also understand the Students.

"Two Wrongs Do Not Make A Right". That being said, here's what I suggest.

During orientation at SU, I believe it should be mandatory that every Student be placed in an auditorium to watch these videos. I believe the SPD, WCSO and the SU Police be present with representatives who address ALL Students welcoming them to Salisbury and Wicomico County. Express to them with sincerity that we want to assure your safety as well as our own. 

The following video will show a particular situation where a crowd of Students were out having a good time when things got out of control, something we will not tolerate. When an order is given, we will respect YOU as much as you respect US. We want you to enjoy the experience of your education and your time in Salisbury but we cannot take the risk of certain situations possibly getting out of control. 

Once these Students see the video they will clearly know throughout their time in Salisbury what Law Enforcement will and won't tolerate. END OF STORY. 

Officers can then go out into the crowd and introduce themselves. They can hand out business cards and say, if you ever need us please don't hesitate to call. Law Enforcement can open a welcoming dialogue and IF Students refuse to respect their orders and or authority, NO ONE can come back and claim Cops are Kops. 

It would be nice if our States Attorney, Police Chief and those charged could use this as a form of mediation. Either way, my hope is that the University will consider this as a proactive way to assure peace in the future.


  1. Joe, I have to disagree. As in K-12, its all about the State controlling the children, not personal responsibility. The State has now proven it wants (and will take) control over the people from cradle to grave!

  2. I'm glad you have made it clear.
    I assumed that you were taking the side of the students at first , but of course , it is a 2 way street.
    Thanks for this post.

  3. The only students who would show up for this session would be the ones that would not be involved in drunken rowdiness in the first place.

    It is the same for PTF/PTA. The only parents who bother to come to teacher conferences are parents whose child is a good student.

  4. you can show them the tape all you want. Kids today have no respect for their own parents, let alone the police! They want to push and push and them with this kind of thing happens, they go crying to mommy and daddy and what to sue! That's all they know these days. It's not my fault. Blame, blame, blame!!

  5. I'm glad you finally kinda sorta came around.In a way.

  6. Sorry, Joe. You're looking at the world through rose-colored glasses.
    In a perfect world, your suggestion would be perfect.
    Sadly, It ain't the way it is.
    Have you ever seen the TV reports about some group getting huge grants to have "after-school events" in ghetto neighborhoods? The ones that attend are the ones least likely to become thugs. It's obvious that their parents cared enough to make them go to the event.
    Just as an earlier poster mentioned, this will not make an iota of difference to the medium and hard core party people.
    I hate to say this to ya, Joe, but you're getting old. You just don't have your thumb on the pulse of today's generation.
    Enforcement, responsibility for one's deeds, and punishment are the only things that work.
    It always has.

  7. Do you people just like to argue and claim all students are bad?

    Look, I said once they are all made to watch this particular situation the students at that point are on their own. IF they choose to be disrespectful and or out of control, lock them up.

    Remember, you were young and sometimes stupid too. The hope here is to EDUCATE these young men and women.

    Think about it. When you went in to get your drivers license you had to take a test. Once you passed, YOU UNDERSTOOD THE LAW.

    In this case, tell me, when an officer says, get back, HOW FAR BACK DO YOU GO? You see, there is NO handbook, there is no law. While I saw for a FACT that these students were stepping back, one even asked, HOW FAR. He then got arrested and I can tell you that I watched them move back twice.

    Again, two wrongs do not make a right. Maybe NEXT TIME, (after reviewing the videos) the students will move back even farther. IT'S AN EXAMPLE.

    These kids weren't causing trouble. They had no knives or guns. I believe the Officer could have easily handled the situation a lot better and IF he was a veteran I believe it would have been handled better. Wisdom goes a very long way in that line of business and Barbara Duncan should know that. Mind you, because people like Mike Lewis can push for more pay, it hurts the chances of departments like Salisbury to obtain officers willing to transfer to Salisbury. I get it. The question is, DO YOU?

    Now stop ragging on the college kids. Look in a mirror and try to remember, you were pretty stupid and had beer muscles when you were young too. OK, some of you might not have but come on, just consider what I offered in the original Post. If YOU can come up with a better idea, bring it on. We'd love to entertain it.

  8. Kids were causing trouble. Drunk gangs walking around at night is not a learning experience. How would the officers know if they had guns or knives. They were surrounded by a mob of people. When they tell them to go home, they should have left.

  9. 10:19, THEY DID LEAVE, as instructed. Your comment is just ignorant.

  10. Joe I think that is a great idea. I really believe that the cop was in the wrong in my opinion. Yes the student may have been yelling and cursing him, but they were leaving slowly. I also believe that these students were acting like normal college students all across the country. Is it appropriate? No. But you live and learn. Your idea may help some, but others will never learn.

    Thanks for all your work Joe!

  11. This was a clear and on point as it can get. I have a problem with not prosecuting underage drinking but the point is this problem can be address and needs to be NOW. On action will not fix all but not starting fixes nothing
    Thanks for the most common sense thing I have heard
    I wish you and all the people involved well

  12. 9:01 AM, did you read what Joe posted? He said make it MANDATORY, that's not skip it, that means you attend, like it or not.

  13. 10:49, You are right. Some will never learn. Those who refuse to learn, especially after being EDUCATED should be arrested.

    As I stated referencing a drivers license, you have to pass a test and KNOW the rules of the road. There is NO rule or law that states just how far back you must go when an officers tells you to back up. TWO WRONGS DO NOT MAKE A RIGHT.

    My suggestion is just that, a suggestion.

  14. You look gay in that picture, Joe.

  15. Really John, that's not what my Wife says and that's all that counts to me. Do you really think I care what you say. Typical of you to not even try to discuss the topic at hand though. It's over your head, I understand.

    1. All dumbinson cares about is RIPPING people off on there jewelry and making cheap bs signs?

  16. I know its off topic but I was in there a little while back. First time in, and they are a very rude bunch. And the girl Taylor that works in there looks like she could use a trip to rehab. Just sayin.

  17. Joe, yes I was young at one time. I kept my self busy by playing sports, fishing, hanging out with friends and eventually joining the Army. I have been extremely intoxicated at times, but never caused issues with the police. I was raised right and knew better. Kids now a days have no respect. Stop saying you were young once, blah blah. They have choices abd they choose wrong. You are at college for an education not to party and get arrested.

  18. 1:54, I'm not saying I didn't know kids my age that were trouble makers with the law. I think we ALL knew of them. Some were arrested and some got lucky enough never to get caught.

    What I'm trying to say is, we were no different back then as kids are today.

    YOU like to say that now kids are worse. Hey, you might be right but there are always bad apples in the crowd, some of which cannot handle their alcohol. Hence, an angry drunk.

    I'll go back to, BACK UP NOW. They did and they followed the officers order. Clearly they didn't back up enough but again, there is no set rule/law that states HOW FAR. So don't try to make them out to be bad kids. You had a crowd in the moment and I have to agree, it could have been worse.

    If you are a police officer I'm sure you'd feel these officers did the right thing, based on the could have been theory. Then there's the 20 foot rule officers follow from the academy. Meaning, IF you are within 20 feet of an officer the suspect can get to the officer before he can pull his weapon of choice.

    Maybe they need to set a rule of 25 feet then, just like you need to be at least six car lengths behind the vehicle in front of you when you are on the highway.

    Once you set the boundary and someone violates that space an officer can and should react accordingly.

  19. For those who are leaning on the side of the kids, who by the way are not kids at all but young ADULTS, if these people were black instead of white, doing the same exact thing, I highly doubt that you would have the same opinion. They would be called thugs and animals and the such.

  20. More evidence exists surrounding this case and hopefully will surface in a few days.Different angles will prove to be a game changer.

  21. Underage drinking going on all over SU and SU cops look the other way so Salisbury PD has to do it.

  22. 2:36 PM
    So what are you trying to say?

  23. 3:39, What a load of crap. Nice try though.

  24. Interesting that I haven't seen it reported that one of three students father is a professor at SU. Maybe not relevant, but interesting.

  25. The bad Apple in the crowd was the rookie cop.

  26. One local department already does this (at least something similar). It is quite helpfull.

  27. I hope Dudley Do-Nothing agreesSeptember 6, 2014 at 4:41 PM

    I believe this is a good start with community relations and the College attendees...It is in the University's welfare for the school, police, community to work together....

    There are some who just want to EAT, SLEEP, and PARTY, and those we have nice little 4x8 Concrete Cells for with NO AIR-CONDITIONING, and Breakfast at 4AM; menu not optional...

    Some are scratching their heads...it is called the JAIL CELL....

  28. September 6, 2014 at 11:21 AM

    When we get our license there is a rule about speeding, and speed kimitsare posted, yet I have read numerous comments on SBYNews by others and you trashing cops for giving speeding tickets.

  29. No amount of orientation will help stupid, alcohol and being away from home for the first time is a bad recipe.

  30. I agree with 9:43 different generation, if a cop told me and my friends to go home, we listened.

    Joe have you ever had to control a large crowd. College kids today are inundated with misinformation from friends, professors and don't make great choices while under the influence of alcohol. While not all kids are bad, a crowd, alcohol and lack of respect for authority is a problem with today's kids.

  31. 6:46, Obviously you don't know a whole lot about me.

    I used to own a chain of Upscale Billiard Rooms as well as a Bar/Restaurant.

    Hell yes I've had to control huge crowds.

    I can assure you, the words and suggestion I offer come from wisdom and experience.

  32. When we get our license there is a rule about speeding, and speed kimitsare posted, yet I have read numerous comments on SBYNews by others and you trashing cops for giving speeding tickets.

    September 6, 2014 at 4:50 PM

    And you will always hear complaints about speeding tickets. 55mph limit was passed when Nixon was in office to save oil, not lives. Before that the limit was 60. Most if not all states have risen the speed limits on certain highways now to reflect common sense and traffic flow.

    It was NEVER about safety, it was, and always will be about money.

  33. Upscale billiard rooms?! There's an oxymoron

  34. 7:01, Be a smart ass all you want but one thing you will learn about me is I feed no BS. I was constantly rated in the Top 10 Billiard Rooms in the United States by Pool & Billiard Magazine. There are THOUSANDS of Billiard Rooms, (especially when I owned them). Try knocking me all you want. I'll remind you, I retired at 40 years old, 12 years ago. Call me in 30 years and I'll tell you how to do it right.

  35. Jeez relax. It's funny.
    Curious Did you ever need to call the police to one of your establishments?

  36. 4:41 PM

    I can tell you haven't been in a jail cell in a long time.

  37. I knew you played pool and had a lighting business, but I didn't know you had a chain of billiard rooms too.

  38. Yeah. Chalk talk was such a safe place.

  39. Try living on Honeysuckle Drive, then you can tell me how wonderful and respectful they are.
    Especially when the SafeRide vans drop them off, 20 deep, in your driveway and they proceed to whip out their junk and piss along the side of your vehicle while your kids are watching.
    If they would shut their mouth and be respectful they might not get such a bad wrap everytime.
    Ive had them passec out bleeding from the face on my deck. Ive had them steal from us, they rip mailboxes down and throw mail into the street, they yell and scream at all hours of the day and night as theyre walking by, they talk shit to residents and children, they tried to steal my pet.....I have pictures of them, Ive called the police a hundred times to my location and NEVER ONE TIME have they arrested a single one after calling them out here. Ive fought with them in the street, Ive been called names and my children have been harassed, so please tell me about your stupid ass crowd control again? Its a damn daily thing over here.
    One day a student will come barging thru my door all drunk (they have tried but door was locked) and he will end up dead at the hands of my pistol.


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