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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Jim Webb Is 'Taking a Hard Look' at 2016 Run

Bad news for Hillary Clinton's future political aspirations: the first possibly serious challenge to her drive to become America's first woman president has emerged on the political scene.

Jim Webb, former Democratic senator from Virginia, former secretary of the Navy and a Marine Vietnam veteran, announced at a speech at the National Press Club that he is "seriously considering" running for president in 2016, the Daily Caller reports.

Webb, author of the recently published book "I Heard My Country Calling," who has been testing the political waters for months, giving speeches and campaigning for Rep. Bruce Braley, D-Iowa, says of Clinton's candidacy: "I'm not here to undermine her. I'm here just to explain where my concerns are as someone who's been involved in military and foreign policy all of my life," he told The Hill.



  1. Not sure how this is bad news for Hillary Clinton. Hillary will win the democratic primaries and win the General Election in a landslide. Webb would make an excellent running mate.

  2. I find it hard to believe that after all that he has endured he's a democrat! PTSD from 'nam I guess!

  3. There are plenty of Democrats passed the end of your driveway 12:34. They are hard working, successful, patriotic and love their country just as some Republicans do. You really need to get out of your moms basement once in awhile.

  4. anonymous 1:04, REALLY, SERIOUSLY? Your a Democrat suggesting a Republican get out of their moms basement! If it wasn't for REPUBLICANS, you Liberals wouldn't have your government jobs.

  5. I think that dude got a little too much agent orange.

  6. Thanks Joe - and to 1:04, I'm on my second career, I own my own house, have a good - non-gov't job, and pay too much in taxes that shouldn't support you.

  7. Anonymous said...
    Not sure how this is bad news for Hillary Clinton. Hillary will win the democratic primaries and win the General Election in a landslide. Webb would make an excellent running mate.

    September 25, 2014 at 12:20 PM

    You are one sick individual!!

  8. Anonymous said...
    There are plenty of Democrats passed the end of your driveway 12:34. They are hard working, successful, patriotic and love their country just as some Republicans do. You really need to get out of your moms basement once in awhile.

    September 25, 2014 at 1:04 PM

    I believe you Democrats put those Republicans back in moms basement because of your failed policies.

    You are a disgusting POS to even admit to being a Democrat. My guess is you are slopping at the government trough and touting a union sticker on the back window.

  9. JoeAlbero said...
    anonymous 1:04, REALLY, SERIOUSLY? Your a Democrat suggesting a Republican get out of their moms basement! If it wasn't for REPUBLICANS, you Liberals wouldn't have your government jobs.

    September 25, 2014 at 1:07 PM

    You and I are on the same page. I just made the same comment before reading yours.


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