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Thursday, September 25, 2014

Inhumanely Treated Chicken Labeled and Sold as “Humanely Raised”

Many consumers are increasingly concerned with the way their food is produced.

Tycko & Zavareei has partnered with public interest organizations to pursue claims against chicken producers deceptively claiming their chicken is “humanely” raised or treated. A complaint in New Jersey against Perdue, Inc. alleges that Perude’s “Harvestland” chicken, which is touted as “Humanely Raised,” is in fact identical to standard, mass-produced chicken products. Similarly, a complaint in California alleges that the national supermarket company The Kroger Company (which operates Kroger, Ralph’s, Fred Meyer, and Food4Less stores, to name a few), falsely touts its “Simple Truth” store brand chicken as “raised in a humane environment.” In fact, the complaints allege, the birds are treated no differently than other mass-produced chickens confined on factory farms and killed in industrial slaughter plants.

The complaints allege that chicken sold under these brand names are subject to all manner of inhumane treatment. The complaints allege consumers were harmed by the misrepresentations because, among other reasons, the companies charged a significant price premium on the supposedly “humane” chicken.

Please contact us if you have purchased Harvestland or Simple Truth chicken products that claimed to be “humane.”



  1. I was duped, I did not know Perdue owned Harvestland.
    Check that one off the list.
    Wish I could find organic farm/field raised chickens.

    1. Well if you find organic free range chickies 1:18pm, remember they eat anything they find in the barnyard and woods, including worms, bugs and anything else they might find that looks like food. Then you get to bring them home, chop off their heads, watch them spirt blood all over the place as they flop around for several minutes. Then you find a big metal tub/bucket, fill it with scalding water and submerge lil' headless chickie until he/she's feathers come out as you pull on them and keep redunking until done and feathers now-b-gone, A stinky, stinky burning feather smelling process. Then open up his body cavity and rip out his innards, all of them. Still stinky and bloody. Sort them out and try to identify the ones that YOU want to chow down on. Yum Yum Then chop of his feets to insure his inability to escape, plus he looks better on your table with his stubby lil' chickie legs (minus feets). Now cook him. Shouldn't take over two to three hours of your life, not including going to fetch your victim. I like my kind of chickie, Jim feeds him well, makes sure he's all yellow looking outside (like a scared lil' chickie should look) and puts him in a fancy Perdue plastic bag for me. He must be good for me because I eats him and his frens and I'm not dead yet? The end

  2. these do-gooders should worry more about the 58,000 hopeless veterans and kids going hungry in this country instead of the fate o a chicken

  3. 241, happens every day. So, is there a point to your rant?

    People eat chicken and it's a big industry.

    So... are we supposed to change this for you?

    Oh, My GOD!

    1. Considering that I am 2:41pm on this thread: My assumption is you 7:24pm have confused the earlier comment with mine. Your comprehension skills however, are lacking, if you confuse humor laced facts, with your chosen word,Rant. And the point? was to direct a little common sense onto the subject of organic versus store bought/industry produced chicken. The same goes for those high priced organic eggs. It's called a bill of goods perpetrated on willful victims with to much money to spend. Condensed interpretation? - B.S.! And one last thing before I stop 7:24pm, Your unnecessary decision to include/shout the creators name into your asinine post is sacrilege, Wrong. Got that 7:24pm? Have a good day.

  4. If this brand is identical to standard mass produced 'factory farms' then standard mass produced factory farms are also humanely raised.

  5. 1:18
    How were you duped?

  6. 1:18 good job...I bet no one writing into this blog even knew the process...if they had to chop the head off and see the spurting blood and the flopping of the chicken that would be it!!! LOL they would be back to Sam's Club buying that nicely wrapped Perdue chicken in a heartbeat.

  7. 2:41 Brings up a good point, a bit graphic but still a good point. Field/farm raised chickens do eat bugs. Bugs that have been in the earth and air with all the chemicals that have been sprayed. So just how organic are they?

    1. Considering that I am 2:41pm on this thread: The chemicals used around and on every farm that I've ever been on (for crops, killing pests/bugs. termite control (Cloridan - Stays Forever) are far more toxic than anything Perdue puts in it's chicken feeds.


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