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Thursday, September 25, 2014

It May or May Not Shock You to Hear What Al Sharpton Is Claiming About the Search for New Attorney General

Hours after the news broke that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder plans to resign, Al Sharpton claimed his civil rights group, the National Action Network, is already “engaged in immediate conversations” with the White House about Holder’s successor.

“We are engaged in immediate conversations with the White House on deliberations over a successor whom we hope will continue in the general direction of Attorney General Holder,” Sharpton said in a statement obtained by Business Insider.

Sharpton also said Holder “has been the best attorney general on civil rights in U.S. history” and his resignation is disappointing “because he leaves at a critical time when we need his continued diligence most.”



  1. Sad state of affairs in this country when al charleton is a trusted advisor to the president.

  2. For the White House to listen to anything Al Sharpton has to say is disturbing

  3. i think they should consult the NAAWP oh crap wait white folks don't have an organization that can get them heard...of coarse if the leaders were clowns like Sharpton and Jackson we are much better off!!!

  4. Sharpton wants to be sure Holder is replaced by someone of the same race. And I do believe one Bobby Kennedy did more for civil rights than Holer, Sharpton and J. Jackson combined! And he was a caucasion catholic!!

  5. Al still owes the IRS 4 million $$$$ in back taxes.
    He is a good example of a leader. POS.

  6. ...and the winner is 5 to 1 - Contributor.

    Alb: U R fired Trib 'cause 'da boss don't like to be made to look like an idiot.

  7. Al the RAT. Eric I got blood on my hands. And president incompetence. Walk into a room with three klands men and it would be a coin toss of who is more racist,

  8. Can we get through one day in the news without this racist. Wrap him up and send him to Isis.

  9. You can not fix STUPID or CRAZY


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