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Thursday, September 25, 2014

AP History - Leftist Indoctrination of our Children

According to newly redesigned Advanced Placement U.S. History Curriculum being implemented in Worcester County Schools and around America - anti-American history will be taught in classrooms nationwide. The Founding Fathers have been edited out. America's rich past effectively erased and your child's education has taken another sharp turn to the left. 

It's nothing less than leftist indoctrination brought to you by some of the the same people that brought you Common Core. Open here to view a short video.

If this concerns you, contact your elected school board member. 410-632-5000


  1. This BS has got stop befor our country is lost forever.VOTE REPUBLICAN

  2. Um, we don't have "elected" school board members, do we? I thought they were all "appointed".

    Therein lies the problem.

  3. Did anybody notice his use of the word framework? Meaning that is not meant to be the entire course. Who is this guy anyway? The video does not say. It could just be some random guy.

  4. Worcester County has elected
    Wicomico County has appointed

  5. This is what the Communists do, they simply rewrite text books and distribute the "new" facts.
    Sometimes mid-term.

  6. This country needs a good enema, starting at the very top

  7. My granddaughter will be home schooled. Problem solved. People need to take full responsibility for raising their children, not the gov't. I will see that my children will know our true history oh and math without a calculator.

  8. The guy who is in charge of SAT's is also one of the head guys for Common Core...this is all by design...Worcester County teachers seem to love it...my husband interviewed for a teaching position--they gushingly asked how he would help implement Common Core...he said he didn't know enough about it to to comment (he can't stand it)...if he had kissed butt and said it was great, maybe they would have hired him...


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