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Saturday, September 06, 2014

County To Utilize OC’s Radio Stations

SNOW HILL — Worcester County will be partnering with the Town of Ocean City to make available important emergency bulletins and other announcements via the town’s two recently acquired FM radio frequencies.

While Ocean City has held a license for a low-powered AM radio station since 2009, it wasn’t until February when the town secured licenses for a pair of FM radio stations. The stations are already used for important town news and alerts and as of this week the county has entered into a formal agreement with Ocean City to piggyback on those two FM signals.

“The station located on Rt. 589, at 100.3 on the dial, has outstanding coverage in the Ocean Pines, Showell, Bishopville and Berlin areas,” wrote Fred Webster, director of Emergency Services for Worcester, in a memo to the commission.


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